Your Car needed for UB club expo!

I am the president of the UB Car Club (you know, the huge college on maple road), and there is a big SISH club expo coming up next week. SISH is the special-interest council that the club runs under. I would like to showcase a car inside the Student Union in order to draw members to my new club. It will be for 1 or 2 days next week. Thousands of students (including lots of girls) will see your car. I’ll even buy you lunch.

The catch is that the car has to fit through a set of double-doors at the entrance of the union. I will supply measurements upon receiving anybody’s interest in this activity.

The car can be domestic or import, but preferably modified inside and out. I’m not too to picky so first come - first served, and i’ll promptly reply to any posts. Thank you.

Will the car be ropped off…out of reach for people to touch/sit on it?

Why don’t you just use a car belonging to a member of your club?


because no one in the club has a nice car



werd, this seems kinda weird.

ehh its not that wierd, but if ur trying support ur club, u dont want some altezza’d out POS on display, u want a show car.

Hrmm, take those measurements, I have a donker I can roll in wit’ my homies. bang bang Awww nikkuh


offer some money. then people will be more likely to let you

my issue would be security… with thousands of kids walking by it, it better be roped off.

roped off? that thing better be cased in plexi

i can certainly have ropes arranged. i understand the security issue.

and yes, i do want a show-type car. this isn’t HIN here. i’d just like a nice car to display that says to prospective members “this is where the club can take you”

if there’s any takers, send me an IM. thanks.

i hope you put your car in there so i can throw red paint on the seats you murderer!

on a serious note… nyspeed flyers are going to be a must if it’s one of the cars from here

any insurance?

UBCC, not trying to bust your chops, but if you’re going advertising “this is where the club can take you” , why show a car that’s not part of your club? Seems misleading. What you’re doing is great, as far as actually going to shows, trying to set stuff up on your own, props to that, but do you even have any members? Is it a brand new club? What car do you drive?


That’s what I said. You should be talking to your members and getting one of their cars for this. It looks very suspiciously like you’re trying to piggyback off of NYSpeed’s name seeing this is the first post you make on this board :bloated: . You have no history here, why are you trying to solicit our members? You’re not doing anything for NYSpeed, at least that I can see.

lol. i’m a member of the ubcc board.