Your fav song right now,

What is your fave song right now, You can only have one.

Mine = Saosin 3rd measurment in C

Sick song.

If you havnt hear saosin and you like the kinda rock/punk stuff check out that song, Lost symphones, seven years, bury your head. they are all fantastic But 3rd measurment is the best
So post it up.

Your fav song and a few others by them for people to check out.

The Unseen - Social Damage

for 99.99% of you, they’re more like “the unheard” #-o :lol:

Mike Shinoda - Dedicated is another good one.

The theme song from Welcome Back Kotter.

Bane - Superhero

Sash! - Adelante

I know it’s old, but I love this song… and the video is pretty good too…

The Cat Empire - Car

i think only one or two if you know what this song it

Saosin is a crazy band…
My favourite song from them right now is, I can tell

Thrice is another crazy band

thrice is alright. avenged sevenfold’s two newer albums are pretty good too (old ones were too screamo :roll: ).

right this second (it changes frequently)

The Killers - “Smile like you mean it”

bitches aint shit cover by ben folds.

funniest shit ever.

i do.

Group: AMG

Titel: Bitch Better Have My Money

Sean Paul - Straight Up

…its a change from the trance and all

In Ashes We Lie - If They Were Us, We Would Kill Ourselves

brand new - seventy times seven

Killer song.

any of you guys into broken social scene?

i just found out my cousin’s fiance is the guitarist… weird.

i would have to agree

They all depend on the song and my mood.

D4L - Laffy Taffy