garage car- straitline speed
daily driver- ideally fun in the twistys and great driver feel.
I feel that the “feel of the car” gives me this stupid mental bias as to if the car is aesthetically pleasing or not. I love the styling of WRX’s and Minis and Miatas which aren’t regarded by too many as exceptionally well styled cars (other than their owners mostly). But to me, I feel that the way they handle and my preference for how they handle for some reason causes me to find them attractive.
For that reason, the “driving feel” seems to always go hand in hand with my “aesthetic” love for cars.
That was a really crappy statement lol.
Hey thanks for posting d bag.:tup:
I have owned a few Porsches and I would never compare them to an ALLROAD but thanks for your insight.
If it’s not a daily, then I care nothing about looks, care nothing about interior, care nothing about versatility. It’s all about the driving feel, which as has been said before, is closest to the soul of the car. That’s what was always so great about my boxster, was that she always felt in her element on track, she just felt happy.
Oh you’ve owned a few porsches huh? I guess I shouldn’t disagree with you ever again. You’re clearly the coolest guy on the planet. Your opinion that a shitty piece of fuck 5dr wagon is the best style car ever for all purposes is clearly inarguable.
it is an opinion for a reason…
Wow, a lot of unprovoked anger with you huh?
Acceleration. handling, braking, and being raw & nimble are what I need in a car.
Good feel, padded upper bits on the door panels. Don’t really care about the outside.
do you care about how the car feels in your hands or do you just care that the car does those things well?
Best possible performance ZR1 humpers.
I voted Driving feel, because i like being able to do it all not just go straight, even though i have a F-body.
I enjoy speeding on the thru way and taking exit ramp turns without braking so people behind me try to keep up and shit there pants when they realize they have to hit there brakes.
That’s actually a really good point. The Noble M12 is supposed to be one of the best braking/handling cars for the money. But a guy on rx7club that has one says the feel is really soft and spongelike, can’t tell when the tires are going to slip.
fun to drive, quick, with black wheels… thats basically it
yeah, and that is really one of things I am interested in from people here. Is it all about getting around the track with the fastest time? Or, would you rather that feel behind the steering wheel and the feedback from the car?
what makes it fun?
Feedback from the car = fast lap times. I’d rather have a lightweight car (2900 or less) with no PS or traction control with 300rwhp than an AWD car with 500awhp that weighs 3800lbs. Not being able to feel the tires + feeling the body roll in every turn sucks, and having that much power with so much weight just feels inefficient. IMO.
I enjoy the driving experience. Since I am tired of always fixing the GM engineering screw ups I am just looking for something reliable at this point. I like a clean crusing car that is not afraid to spin its wheels when needed.
vtec…that is it
feedback from the car does not always mean that you’re gonna get fast lap times. One example, Nissan GTR vs 600hp civic. Civic might give you more feedback, but the GTR would crush it.
If I were buying just a track car it would be easy. Handling is #1. You can still have a blast on a track with a low powered car that handles great. See Miata, track prepped old school GTI etc.
But a DD is much more complicated because it’s all about compromise. I want something with enough power to be fun light to light and merging on the highway, be engaging in the twisty backroad sections, be comfortable for 400 mile road trip days, be reliable enough that I know it will get me to work and back every day, be something I can afford and have enough room for myself, the wife and kid. That formula put me in my GTO 2 years ago. If I re-ran the numbers today I’d probably end up in a G8 GXP.