Your Rep and You...

i know nothinz

Z would never say that… he has 1617 posts… thats like 500/day. :wink:

:shrug: this rep thing is starting to suck. people really have it out for me i guess
i would love to know who gave me the feedback in the tib>firebird thread.

How To Get Girls: 101 08-19-2005 10:44 AM im on welfare

Why is that negative pantywaste? I’m supporting Your ass right now actually. :lol:

I used to be on welfare. Now, those are the people paying my checks. The worse off the state is, the more $$$ I make. I know, its twisted… but at this rate I have no reason to leave NYS.

BTW - Welfare should be a stepping stone for getting back on your feet. NOT A WAY OF LIFE. I’ve seen all sorts of people on and off welfare. A lot of people who honestly need it won’t apply or accept it because some of the people who are on it, and abused the hell out of it give it a bad name, and they don’t want to be associated with them in any way shape or form. Others got on it (somehow), and are now driving Escalades with spinners, living on the west side… cause their W2 says they make 5k a year. I see it everyday. It doesn’t piss anyone off more than me, believe me. On the other hand I like to think that when they take it out of my check and put it towards their bi-monthly check… or food stamps, eventually it makes its way back into my check. I :heart: NYS.

I still agree with the ideal of my current sig pic.

My mother was on welfare a few months when i was ~7 yrs old. we needed it, single mother w/two kids, paying for a divorce, yadda yadda. lasted about 4 months before she got into a local company. I have nothing against that… I something against abusers: wasn’t it Old Dirty Bastard (or somebody similar) that went and cashed his welfare check on MTV?

That’s fucking great, lol

i just think its funny when people buying food with food stamps buy the top of the line product instead of the generic brand :stuck_out_tongue:

dont speak bad about a dead guy man :frowning:

he didn’t call him an ol dirty bastard… thats what he was. He was also Baby jesus. He was a beautiful person… and is obviously missed greatly by his peers… I think P Diddy is re-making the re-make on the song he did for Biggy. I like his work on the South Park Album.

I liked some of ODB’s shit.

have You ever talked shit about Abe Lincoln? Hitler? Dahmer? Jesus?

lol word, dirt mcgirt was awesome, just dont want his welfare loving, baby momma beatin’, drug-dealin rep getting tarnished

Well here’s my favorite… Hot Camaro on eBay 08-18-2005 06:09 PM Trim your ass hair.



That came from your BF…:snky:

Actually when it comes form someone w/o karma giving ability… they suck more than you

this brings up a good point, I need a cool yet short way to mark my Karma entries. :oh teh noes:

Lol I got bad karma for telling Z24Challenge that it is bad to stray off topic

HAHAH i bet that came from one of 2 places. :wink:

Not me… I only give bad karma to people who deserve it. And in saying that I see I got some more bad karma for posting in this thread for no reason.

Photos from Supra( (POOP… 07-25-2005 08:19 PM cocky assfuck


I love these fucking comments.

Monte - Some people have it out for you, I’m not one of them.

It’s amusing what people say to try and “get to me”. It’s also fun to play along :snky:

Missles launched at US … 08-19-2005 05:09 PM Learn how to read fuckhole


3 boxes monte… :wink: