Your tax dollars at work

:tup: x 5

I dunno. I think its cool that the NAVY went out and helped out one of our own. She could have easily died… thats why they helped. Im sure it makes the crews feel good to have done something to help one of their own instead of just being out on maneuvers or dropping shit on dumbasses abroad.

I think it’s cool too :slight_smile: That was a :tup: not a :tdown:

Huge :tup:

I’d hope anyone would get the same treatment had we been in the same situation.

i love the navy hats in place for the hospital pic

i wanna be a military photographer

2.5 mill to have a carrier running underway, that seems very expensive

but major :tup: to them for doing that

yeah im retarded

i will give up the extra few dollars it cost me in taxes to save that girl

it probably costs teh same either way, i doubt practice manuevers are really that much cheaper then actual rescue missions, and actual missions are better training anyways


Very very cool.

it is better then doing drills all the live long day…

props to the navy boys and girls

by the title i thought you thought it was bad… thats fuckin awesome that they did that

Pretty cool and a win win. She lives, Navy gets a valuable training exercise and great publicity.

thats awesome
