Your thoughts on this jeep i ma looking to buy?

Well i am looking to get rid of the GTP and get into a 4x4, i found this and am seriously considering buying it tomorrow. The gtp will be sold for more than i am paying for the jeep but two things i hate…no speed and small room in the jeep. Here is the write up and it is ion great condition, what are your thoughts? I don’t go to PRP anymore nor do i run the car and i do like ot four wheel but…i cannot make up my mind. BTW the jeep is an R-Title but it was only a fender and grill ass, the whole thing has been repainted becasue the owner was anal and it has a single stage dupont paint job.

CL add…

Looks pretty nice, just needs a real good cleaning up. Sucks that it’s only SS paint, but you could make it look good. I’m assumming it’s a 4.0, and those are damn near bulletproof, too.

Ya, 4.0 with 94k on it, but it has alot of new preventive things like water pump, tie rods, brakes, new tires and brakes and battery, so my desiscion has to be made today

There good trucks but get bad gas milage. You said it has new tires, make sure the tires ware even. Being it was in a wreck if the frame is tweeked a bit and not fixed good you will go through tires quick.

Ehh…never a fan of those things…they are pretty dated and the motors get terrible gas mileage and are slow.

i like the GTP alot better. that jeep looks like it has seen a few better days in it’s lifetime

Looks like it’s going to eventually need a windshield and an exhaust. Other than that, gas mileage sucks as you have heard. It’s a little high, but if it’s solid and the hitch and all that extra stuff is in good condition then like $4500 wouldn’t be totally unreasonable.

94K isn’t bad miles for the 4.0 AW4 powertrain. Price is too high though IMHO. The ‘R’ title makes it worth 3500-4K tops.

If it was R title, it was slammed… you can pick those things up really cheap on craigslist. My friend picked up an identical one without an R title and bigger tires for 2k… dont buy it, wait, you’ll find a better one, be patient and look online.


The paint looks ass, too. If he was so “anal” about the paint, it would look much better. I’ve seen some single stage paint jobs look decent. I think the damage was worse than he is telling you. A vehicle has to have something like 60% of it’s value in repairs to total it. A fender & grill assy is not 60% of the Cherokee’s value.

Are you nuts???

its 80% actually… that thing was hammered im telling you. Like I said my friend picked one up with 9x,000 miles, same color, bigger lift with 33’s or 35’s, safari rack with lights… I actually thought this was a pic of his until I seen the smaller tires on it… he paid $2k or $2,200 I think it was… either way… ur paying out the ass.

In the 1st picture, look how crooked the passenger headlight is…

Ya, i did a carfax on it and it is an R-Title, i looked at the frame and it showed no damage at all, it drives straight as could be even if i let go of the steering wheel at 60mph. The rad support looks like it was never touched rioght down to a few rusty bolts and no crinkles in the RS or fender bracket. The gas milage is about the same as the GTP and i would be putting lower gas in it compared to my 93 i have to put into the GTP so i thoguht it would be better and add out in teh long run.

I did notice the headlight and it was a lil loose but he did install IPF’S in it (*180 pair) so that might be it. he said 4500 and we could “work” on the tax part. All in all it does look good in person and drives good so thisi s why i am in a bind, the GTP has 91k right now so it would be like i am trading straight up.

Why trade a perfectly good car for an R titled car? Unless its a totally sick upgrade from what you were driving? I wouldnt buy it, thats just me…

whats an IPF’S?

Just because you looked at the frame does not mean it was not damaged… there are many jobs that we do that I would bet money you would never be able to tell there was ever frame damage on it.

Same gas mileage as the GTP??? Mine gets close to 30 or so highway…that cherokee will get like 20…city really depends on where you dive and traffic…but i would say the GTP gets like 16 or so if there is some highway then like 19…that jeep will see like 10-12. I do agree about the 93 octane…which is on avg $.30 more/gal than the reg…so that’s like $4.00 less per fillup.

even taking in consideration with the premium fuel… the jeep is still going to suck it down way faster. I have owned them before… its not good mileage by any means.

Best idea ever. Go for it.

too much too much.

Like everybody said: way too much for an R-titled, single stage painted, little bit rough, high mileage rig. I’ve always liked that body style and a few of my friends had them back in the day and they wheel really well. If/when you ever go over a 31" tire with them there is a lot of fender clearance issues and the axles are weak as heck. So they’re good for keeping close to stock height and wheelin’ lightly but aren’t good hardcore rigs. But that’s just fine for a DD. So anyway, Cherokees: YES, that particular one: NO.


Holy Hell !!! it’s towing that friggin Winebago.