Your thoughts...

Cross posted from one forum and then another…

3-lug HRE’s + Body Kit + Drop =

The wheels are dope.

damn, that’s pretty sexy… silly, but in a fun kind of way…

id rock up but I dont see my big ass fitting in 1. I wonder how much those special order wheels set him back

i actually kinda like it

I want to hate it…


i do hate it :tdown:

i think its pretty cool, not something i’d drive personally, but kinda neat at the same time

egh it dosent look horrible, but i would never drive in it

needs a k24

i dont mind it.


id like to see more of that white BMW next to it


meh, i drove one before…they are pretty roomy.

i searched smart car body kits on google. Looks like Brabus and Lorinser makes kits. Get ready to cough up 2500 to 3000 for a kit and 2500 for wheels.|39%3A1|65%3A12|240%3A1318&_trksid=p4506.c0.m245

exactly my thoughts

Exactly what I was thinking lol…3 series convertible uuugghh

If I lived at the begining of the Yellow Brick Road and was a member of the Lollipop Guild then… maybe.