Your top 5 PJB facts..

PJB would be horrible as toilet paper, he dosent take shit fron NO one

hahaha the last few are really good

Pjb is the reason Stevie Wonder is always smiling.


Pjb spent so much money on his mustang that Ford didn’t need the bailout

PjB’s pool ducks saw their shadows…winter will never end

PJB doesn’t live with his parents, he just allows them to share the same living space as him.

ITT we take 2001 Chuck Norris facts and make them PJB facts.

Here here for originality!

Pjb rapes kidz

:rofl niceeeeeeeeee

Every time PJB sneezes a polar bear dies


Still huh?

sharks can be found in only two places in the world. The northern and southern hemispheres

your not dead? :ponder

Laugh No. I wish I had words to describe how busy I am. I do peek around though.

Last i remember seeing you post was when you said you were getting married, don’t remember seeing you post much since then :rofl

PJB has the power to turn rainbows into wheels… then sell them to Russians

One time PJB accidentally the whole thing…only it was on purpose.

Laugh. It has consumed me. We are in the final stages though.

Between the wedding, work, and the gym, I am just exhausted.


Monkeys make up over 80% of the world’s monkey population.