Z departure

Right click and save as

look forward to seeing some of that at the SCC


I ‘gotsta’ get me a new video camera!

Meyers and his punk ass turbo AE86 are going down!

Speaking of taking Chris down, does anyone have a couple tires they need…ummm…shaved and heatcycled? :smiley:

I did mine at the meet
Pic courtest of TylerH

that picture is really nice

Haha, cool pic, smoke reflecting in the light. lol.

Hehe, we saw you do that too. Noticed a couple nice big black patches under the streetlight as we left also. :lol:


Right click and save as

look forward to seeing some of that at the SCC


I ‘gotsta’ get me a new video camera!

Meyers and his punk ass turbo AE86 are going down!

Speaking of taking Chris down, does anyone have a couple tires they need…ummm…shaved and heatcycled? :smiley:

I did mine at the meet
Pic courtest of TylerH

that picture is really nice

Haha, cool pic, smoke reflecting in the light. lol.

Hehe, we saw you do that too. Noticed a couple nice big black patches under the streetlight as we left also. :lol:
