time for an iron block and round 2, spray more :tspry:
With lots of $$$$$, that’s how.
Closer to $13K. Titanium parts aren’t cheap.
Mark, Why make it a fat pig? no need for that heavy-ass feruos BS. those Almuinum blocks are jsut fine as long as the parts you put in them are up to snuff…
Oh and crate engine: http://www.corvettegarage.com/product/corvette-z06-gm-7.0-ls7-crate-engine.html
of course, by the looks of it, they had already thrown some parts in it. :gotme:
Wonder what kind of chassis dyno? Unless the brake is on, which it isn’t during a pull, a Dynojet’s “load” is simply drum intertia.
wow, hot pic micah :tup:
that’s a shame… yeah, LS7crate engines are like 12-13K. not like i was drooling over them or anything.
tin foil and plastic are to cook my food in a microwave not put down 1000tq, ill take the extra weight and piece of mind, even in that sexy biotch of a car :tup: