Z06 + 350 shot + bad dyno =


" The guys over at HPE had a black Z06 go boom on their dyno after spraying a 350 shot, however, it was not the shot that killed it. They dyno broke they stated, and stopped working so there was no load on the Z06 thus causing fuel/nitrous to pool in the intake. The dyno then began working mid-dyno and the vette engine went boom (kinda)."

Ouch! Wonder if that’s covered under warranty?:gotme:

oh man, that hurts…such a freakin hot car, i love them in black


mid pull you can see shit (debris) flying out of the exhaust. that must be whatever the cats didn’t catch. my guess is that the engine started comming apart mid pull.

They dyno broke they stated, and stopped working so there was no load on the Z06 thus causing fuel/nitrous to pool in the intake.

the claim of no load on the dyno i find hard to believe. with no load on the drums it would take all of a second for the vett to max out whatever gear he is in. maybe pooled when he lifted, then went kaboom.

lol at the woooo!!!

definitely looked like a hot vette.

exactly what I was thinking…I think that vette just wanted to go ‘pop’

haha, he wooooo(ed) as if everything was fine

Damn, that sucks…such a nice car…love the wheels…

Damn that sucks. I love those cars.

I’m sure they’ll get it fixed somehow or another

cruising around their site… they do alot of impressive C6 work. :eek3:

shitty… so, would the Dyno company warranty that?

Found some build pics… FWIW:


thats a shame

that sucks. But now that it doesn’t run I’ll take it off their hands for 'em. $100?

MFing Direct port AND TB plate set-up. :wtf: Holy nitrous problem. WHy not just boost it?

never heard of a two stage? or multi-stage?

Two stage still cheaper and (usually) more reliable then boosting.



wow how can you do that to a new Z06…crazy