Z06 BUILD DONE!!??....

Which car are you talking about. Evo or Camaro?

I doubt the camaro could keep up from a roll.

Dig your car will be faster due to traction issues on the vette , roll don’t stand a chance

Wait… how did this feud start?

I dunno but I think this guy has something to do with it

i thought travs evo was srs bzns

emanuel, your the biggest shit talker on this earth, why are you getting so mad? lol…

Travis made a joke as do you every 5 minutes, and much more insulting at that… Race the dude or dont, dont throw out personal attacks at the dude when he didnt.


Travis came out of left field and insinuated he could remove the paint from Deadbeats vehicle in such a way that would resemble an illegal contest of speed.

This abomination of an assumption was not taken lightly by deadbeat or meat paws therefore they assumed that TT lives with a 38 year old “Bitch”.

trash talking cars is a little different than trash talking family and whatnot

Wow thanks for that Mr.Morals.


i got that, but did someone delete posts from travis or something? It went from travis joking about beating him in a race to emanuel saying hed beat the shit out of him, that he lives at home, something about trannys, ext… I’ve got no problems with anyone, but like I said Emanuel talks more shit then anyone on this site and for him to get so out of control for no reason is just crazy.

Cant we all just get along…

Nothing got deleted , only changes were edits by Sbardy and Lfboost . That being said the eman and t/t is deeper and goes back farther than this thread . Travis tore eman apart on his workouts diet etc . T/t has t been on here in forever and his first post is about how he is going to suck emans car up ! And here we at this stage ! I don’t have any issues with either eman is one of my better friends and I also happen to be the one to do a lot on his car so it was. Insult to me a little also . I know what emans car has maybe even possibly more than eman unless he finally held it for all she had " witch I hope he has " so Travis has no basis for what he said .

I talk more shit? Please explain. I’d love to hear this. I made this thread for anyone interested in knowing the progress of my car. Travis comes in talking this and that. I don’t give a fuck stick about him or his family. Ill say whatever the fuck I please. Please try and stop me.

Travis… Anyone can buy an 800hp evo. Good for you man. I don’t care. Fact of the matter is… YOU SUCK! That’s it.

dude, dont even get me started lol… when you comment on other peoples shit it comes on my wall on fb…you talk ALOT of shit… Youve talked shit on at leaasssttt half a dozen photos of one of my cars “progress” as well…

someone on here was like “u gotta be a scumbag to come and say something like that on a build thread where everyones complimenting the car”

Well, shit, if thats true eman your the biggest scumbag in the world lol… some of the posts youve commented on my photos “good job at ruining the car” “ugliest wheels ever” “looks like shit” ext… and thats just ME! lol… 10 positive comments on a photo and then there goes eman with his shit talking…

I didnt even think what travis said was bad lol… I would love to see that race… an 800AWHP lighter car against a 680whp heavier car… not speculating against who would win, but it would be fun to watch at the least… I dont tell people there scum and im gonna beat there ass and there un sucessful when someone says theyll smoke my eclipse or viper lol…

You guys should arm wrestle.

again, im not saying you are a scumbag and I dont wanna beat your ass, I see your “shit talking” is clearly just your personality, but jeez, dont dish it if you cant handle it back without personal attacks…