Z06, Viper > Mustangs

your right i forgot the new shelbys are actually svt ford products that were built with caroll shelbys presence… my bad… im stuck in the 60s lol

actually now that i think about it the SS package could be considerd the real shelby cobra because the only way to get it is thru shelby motors… 725hp a big jump from the even the gt500kr thats suposed to be around 540 give or take some power here and there.

wait paying 60k for a 12 second car is dumber then paying 75k for a 11 sec car? i dont get that one LMAO :ninja

Boomshakalaka lol

Mmm yea that extra 25g’s is totally worth going 1 sec quicker :wtf

i got something, since your iroc isnt moving, and adams white car isnt moving… footrace…oohh wait, wait wait… adam cant run, hes a cripple! aaah point and laugh. adam forfeits. ford loses this race today

Hey ill get my Rascal out, not down and out yet bitch!!! lol

good match for his celica, since mine is FAR superior. i have a 5 speed celica afterall :banana

Yea, I can’t fit into the interior. You know you win when the other resort to personal insults :lol

no he just won cause hes correct and your wrong :banana

“you are” :nono

If you’re going to ride his balls, at least try not to sound like a you got your GED from the U of Phoenix. :tong

ive seen some big boys get into small cars and not complain. my buddy is 6’5 330 and drives an evo ix. and enjoys every minute of it.

The S2000 was too tight for me. I am 6’ 300. That’s about the only car that didn’t fit good.

The C5 fit a tad tight for my knees. The Lotus Espirit fit nice. The 3000GT is one of the most comfortable cars I have been in but I haven’t driven that many cars. Driving is much different than riding passenger.

Is the EVOI IX tight?

and… if YOU’RE going to be posting on a public forum, maybe you should not be so uptight and always voice YOUR opinion on every single thing ever said… i can speak engrish yo, i iz smart too

I am not uptight. I take jokes just like the rest of us. I got no problem with you even though sometimes I think you do with me?

Also, I am allowed to voice my opinion. It’s basically the purpose of having a forum. I’m sure Vlad would appreciate activity from myself and the others.

Thread turned into what cars does Shawn fit in :confused lol jk jk

beleive me, im aware, im not that big , im 5’9, but im heavier than i look, and some cars are a bit tight on shoulder room and upper bolsters, but i manage, i mean come on, look at Big John, he rolls that 3 series just fine, fits in the mustang he had no problem, as long as the car doesnt have some race seat hes good. but you are a bit picky about interiors it seems, you do act as if you nothing compares to your 3000gt by the way you come off and make reference to it

Insert Momma joke here? :lol

i almost bought an S2000 over my GTI, yes i know, sin sin sin, VW guy wants a honda, oh no. the thing that kept me out of it the most was the digital Tach. it drove me nuts, i loved the interior, the seats, the driver controls were placed perfectly, the steering response, on road feel, i wanted a hardtop, and couldnt find one, but i just couldnt live with that tach.

Yo momma is soo…lol, that should be a whole nother thread, that shit would be 3000 pages long

What a bunch of bullshit. My opinion of the 3/S and my car has been discussed on this forum many times. Do some searching.

If nothing compares to it, then why am I looking to replace it? :lol