Zeedeveel's 07 WRX Wagon

So I got the chance Monday to meet up with Devin(zeedeveel55) to get some practice shooting and have a good look at his 07 Wagon. This was my first time shooting any car aside from my own, so I wasn’t sure what to expect. I definitely had a good time and learned A LOT. Devin’s good people and I like what he’s done with the car.

There’s definitely room for improvement in my shooting and certainly in my post processing as well, but given my experience and equipment I think I did alright. Let me know what you guys think, and constructive criticism is encouraged!

Definitely had a lot of fun with the whole process and like I said I learned a bunch about shooting cars. Let me know what you think and thanks for looking!

whatre you using for shooting and editing, if you dont mind me asking?.. nice pics tho!

Shooting with my ancient 300d (the first digital rebel…6.4 MP :rofl) using the 50mm 1.8 and my cheap sigma 70-300. RAW’s were processed in Lightroom and I tried my damndest to edit things out of the background somewhat cleanly with cs5. I only have maybe ~2 Hrs experience with CS5, and hadn’t used photoshop or my camera for a couple years before I got my car in February.

haha its all good. i use cs5 as well. dont know too much about it, but i know how to use it for what i need it for, if that makes sense

Nice job man. 1 and 4 are out of focus a bit though.

Thanks, and you’re right about the focus I guess I liked the composition and managed to overlook it, woops. I had a lot of out of focus shots that day something I have to work on for sure.

Do you use auto focus or manual?

Is this behind Lowe’s? Wagon looks sharp man.

I mostly use auto, and all of those were in af aside from the gauges. Maybe instead of relying on the AF I should try shooting manual more?

Yep, it is behind Lowe’s. Also to avoid any confusion this is new member zeedevel’s wagon not mine! but yes it certainly is sharp, very clean.

I shoot in af mode 99.99% of the time and I’d recommend doing the same. There are very rare situations where it may be necessary to manually focus. Do you move the af points around?

/\ Thats the only criticism I can give here. Good location choice too, its a neutral color and not over powering the color of the car, you have some good angles on the car as well. I like number 8 :tbu

Good job Adam!

Yes, but sometimes I may use the center AF dot and then just move the angle slightly, that could be part of my issue. Would probably be better off moving the points after I’ve framed the shot I would guess.

Yeah, that can throw it off for sure especially if you have the aperture open more. The slightest change in distance can throw it out of focus. I usually shoot a few of the same shot recomposing the AF just in case.

Yeah that makes sense, and I was shooting mostly wide open so that was probably what I had done. Will have to try moving the points and taking multiple exposures with slightly different AF next time I’m out shooting, thanks for the help.

and thanks for the comments Jim! It’s definitely a fun way to get “intimate” with other peoples vehicles.

Thanks dude!!

It was finally nice to have some good shots of my car done. I hope to black out the headlights and get some tint soon to make it look a little better. Then next summer i’ll prolly do camber plates to make it handle/look better (also next summer might be bigger turbo and 6 speed)