Mr. Daze is coming home from out of town tonight and wanted to have a Birthday GTG at Mr. Bills in Cheektowaga (Corner of Cleveland Drive and Cayuga) So if you know Zerodaze, skip your AA meeting and have a drink. 10 pm is his flight’s expected arrival time, and he is going straight to the bar. :smiley: :beer2:


MR Bills is a pretty cool little place too.

Assuming his flight isn’t canceled. Should be pretty awful by 10pm at the Buffalo Airport.

i got a text @ 5ish say it was on time. You should come out old man…

I’m thinking about it, but this old man was up late drinking and playing pool/darts last night. I’ll check this thread later to see if his flight made it in and see how I’m feelin.

Im down :tup:


John will kick you in the nuts if you don’t go.


Wish I could…unfortunately the benz is stuck in the middle of my driveway :frowning:

Maybe you should sell a watch band or two and get a snow blower. :cjerk:



Gentlemen, Start your drinking shoes

Anyone know where he was flying in from? Lots of canceled flights that were supposed to land around 10pm.

I would come out but I have to be on a flight at 725am that is probably going to be cancelled anyway.

The pol has landed, and is on his way to the bar.

Alright, fuck it, I’m gonna toss a push broom in the Expedition to use as a snowbrush and head out in a couple minutes.

WIsh I was in town…

It’s the snow blower that fucked me…got stuck in the mountain on the side of the house :lol:


wish i saw this last night