I’m selling my ZEX wet kit, I don’t think I’m going to need it.
It’s a single fogger wet kit, no gage/bottle warmer, otherwise it’s a complete kit.
$300 firm takes it
could this be used with any type of fuel delivery system?
Fuel injection ftw!
i dont get u damn kids. u all buy shit, never install it and sell it. wtf man? get the car running, then make the decision if u want a shot or not. its going to be slow no matter what anyways. :tongue
hmm…for the geo?
caprice it would be nasty but its carburated…
trade for a Dry kit you fuckin bitch!
sully… your cars gonna be needing this, i heard taht 4202 dont really produce alot of boost
he doesnt have the 42R, hes got the joural bearing 4202. gonna be a LAGGY turbo though since its a diesel housing on it.
What jets come with like 75 100 and 150… And, I assume the bottle is empty and a 10lb or 20lb?
Bottle is half full, I’m not sure what pill is in it either…
edited for correctness
Thats why I was considering the ZEX… If I have to keep it, I’ll put it on there anyway
Why would you do that when he said 300 firm, and if you were gonna try and wheel and deal. You meet up act like your not interested and tell em you only have 250 but it all cash baby. Start walking away when he starts stuttering?!
thanks guy, but Dan can talk for himself.
:facepalm :Idiots
Kit is sold to me.
Thx come again
i thought u had a kit?
he was using it to get high and his dad took it away :retardclap
Kit is still for sale, No $$$$ = no sale
Sorry just on here checking the threads out, my bad on my 2 cents. LOL!