"Zombie Outbreak" in LA?

what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.


well hey, if everyone got laid, videogame sales would drop and the big 3 (nintendo, microsoft, sony) would be looking for a bailout


great read to start the day!

lol @ Janus

I already got the highest zombie outbreak readiness score on this site so you guys can all lick my taint when the real outbreak comes. I will let ILC live though.

this is still around. man i left yesterday thinking this wouldn’t last and if it did last, the kid would get ripped a new one just for saying sex is not an option in his life and also just being serious about the first question he said about a zombie outbreak!

It’s because, whether you would like to admit it or not, whether you get laid or not, whether you’re a nerd or not, AT SOME POINT nearly every male on this planet has watched a zombie movie and said (to either themselves or to their friends)
“If this happened for real, I would …” At that point, the man has officially started his zombie outbreak plan.

Inside every man is the undying urge to blow zombie brains all over a wall with a shotgun. It’s basically a scientific fact.

Fearbefore? That you?


So, if zombies are only functioning on basic brain functions like walk, grab, bite and chew… how do they open doors?

I know that we all can open and close doors at will, but we had to actually learn to use the door knob.

You could hide in your car as they are roaming around outside, or even in your house. When the coast is clear, drive? When you need gas, find a gas station that isn’t infested and has a good line-of-sight… and fill up.

I don’t get the zombie scare, unless you live in a 11 million resident city where you’re essentially screwed.

In Amherst/Clarence… I’d assume you’d be pretty safe.

