Just got a few texts from a buddy of mine over in Indiana telling me there is some kind of “Zombie Outbreak” in LA right now but I can’t find anything on CNN.com and theres nothing on Rnews. Its probably something silly like the [adult swim] “bombs” awhile back but being the zombie enthusiast I am, I had to ask around, lemme know if any of you have heard anything…
Sweet! I love zombie outbreaks
I am also a zombie enthusiast…
But, I haven’t finished making my survival kit!
Good thing I finished the survival guide though!
can I stay with you for a few days then… I haven;t even started reading it
:picard: fuck my life, just got another text, my friend was fucking with me to see if i’d take him seriously, which he knew I would because we are both hardcore zombie horror enthusiasts…oh well, feel free to use this thread to lulz at my guilability.
What the hell is up with all the retardation lately. IHISM.
edit damnit, I was typing this as you admitted to your own stupidity
This is gay. I was really excited to stay with brendan for a while til things blew over…
he will probably still let you
Well, it’s not real. Still, if you want to come stay with me for a few days… You can.
EDIT _ Wow you guys are fast today.
WOOO I’ll be over in a jiffy… maybe two jiffies
Can you define the term “jiffy”?
Maybe he meant with Jeffy? Oooooooooooo…
sean of the dead?
Jiffy - what ILC is going to get when he gets to Brendan’s house.
jif·fy (jf
)n. pl. jif·fies Informal A short space of time; a moment. See Synonyms at moment.
now that sounds like something I’d be interested in…
lets hope so!