what would be your one weapon? v.zombies

if there was a zombie outbreak what would be your one weapon of choice?

no…there’s no unlimited ammo.


theres not a chance in hell that a pile of ashes is gonna be able to eat you

my favorite weapon in dead rising is the snow blower… it makes a mess :wink:

you’re limiting resources though…and the only thing worse than a hungry zombie is a hungry flaming zombie.

i’m going to go with a light saber.

a baseball bat with nails at the end of it. like the one in saw 2

maybe a tank because you could sleep in it…

a few porno mags, my semen is like acid, and its unlimited!


this wouldnt be some pussy ass flamethrower tho, were talking minimum 10ft. flame. he wouldnt have any face left by the time he walked through it.

not to mention, theres gas stations everywhere

the ritz would be quite the safe haven if there was a zombie outbreak…

I would rock a sword, but I would be afraid of going dull. But I like the light saber idea.

light saber isnt even a real weapon tho

and if were gonna go that route, i want a hummer with a zombie crushing mechanism on the front

H1 with the entire bed full of fuel tanks (few hundred gallons), 50 Cal with the back seats loaded with ammo. Grill guards, bullet proof glass, and a large steel roller on the front with spikes on it. Room for me and one other person who is lucky enough to survive.

I’ll take the


A fat smart guy with asma

Chuck Norris

polearm. /thread


^^^ aids? zombie aids?!?!?