Zombies: Do you have a plan?

Seeing another thread from another forum, I relived a few movies I’ve seen in the past and summarized them here;

First of, a bit of Zombie education:
28 days later/Dawn of the Dead Zombies

  • Fast, vicious, runs like hell.

Dawn of the Dead Zombies/Resident Evil

  • Slow as hell, stupid POS’s.

Scenario #1
–Stupidly fast, and intelligent zombies.

What would I do?
> Probably nothing, as I would only be putting off the inevitable. Unless of course I find myself trapped on a boat with a supermodel, THEN only would I attempt to live as long as possible, then procreate. As Canadians, we’re F***** in terms of firearms, and noise of firearms would only draw more attention.

In this situation, I would probably find a master welder, see: (http://www.cnn.com/2004/US/Central/06/05/bulldozer.rampage/)
Build an armored bulldozer, and travel across the country to one of these puppies: http://www.missilebases.com/properties/index.html

What I would do next?-- Haven’t thought that far yet. Probably would include lots of booze and sans clothing.

Scenario #2
– Retarded zombies

>I’d probably go out with a bunch of friends and Donkey Kong the shit out of the Zombies. :A

Who’s got a weapon stash the OPP doesn’t know about? :smiley:

Have fun with this. Many more retarded topics to come!

lol thats jokes… id get a sniper riffle and play blow the melon off the zombie get a heli and **** off hahaha.

Zoooooooooooombie Chickens!


semi smart zombies:
i would find a beer/liquor store close to a zhers/sobey’s and baracade the doors and just get loaded and eat till i explode. and probably have lots of fun in the meen time… as long as they dont get in.

stupid zombies:
i say we just drive around and use the “points” system, kids are worth 100 points, females 50, and well men… well were just target practicing…

something so morbid about how you described your points system…

smart zombies…
hop in the max, get a full tank of gas and get the hell out of the city

stupid zombies…
get a sniper rifle, get some rounds, and go live out my counter strike fantasy from a building rooftop… camp3r 4 lif3… hahaha

– That didn’t work out in Shaun of the Dead… so I guess we can tick you off our list of people that’ll be alive in 5 days. :stuck_out_tongue:

– I like… I however would want to further breakdown the classification:
> Nerds
> Environmentalists
> Ricers
:A Oh, it’s on!!!

Please enlighten us! I need something else to scare my lil’ brother with.:R

i like the point system brad lol

id grips me a …hmmm…a hummer shud do…plow thru those mothers lol woot

double post

lmao hey if you gonna die might as well have some target practice first haha i love guns…

Do we even have ranges in Toronto… I’m no gun-diehard commmando, but one of my uncles are, and he’s the ‘poser-airsoft’/gadget kinda guy. (not sure if that’s a specific term).

Basically, a couple hundred bucks for replica’s that shoot pellets or something… I would like to stake out on a roof, and shoot one of those lasers that can pop balloons on the Zombies… I’m not sure what that’ll do, but in reality, those things can’t go anywhere near a human being.

Would be fun thinking of stupid crap to do…!

il stick with my plans, either get loaded or start running them over… and ya snipe em down too.

or both… probably be the only way il drink and drive so may as well go out driving really fast and loaded, rather than getting eating alive/dead by some cannibal zombie.

Does anyone have a registered firearm for ‘home-protection’?

Now that I think of it, I don’t think anyone should be allowed to carry firearms, apart from the black and white… We’re having way too many problems with gangs and guns…

Too much on my mind,
Happy Holidays everyone!

i’m an anti-gun person myself too. I wished civilized people wouldn’t need such a thing.

only guns i have/want are paintball guns and bb guns.
but only for use of fun.

Just a thought… why is it that a big city such as Toronto, have such strict laws forbidding firearms, when the rural areas of the USA don’t? (Read: Trailerpark towns of Tennessee, Alabama)

I mean, don’t we have more things to be paranoid, and worry about? Nice cars, jewelery… What exactly is it that makes them so damn paranoid enough to lug a shotgun around?

It’s also really sad that some people in the states feel so insecure and are put in the position of situations that necessitate an everyday person to carry a firearm on them. I believe Cali has a “Concealed Weapon” license that allows up to .45 weapon to be carried ‘discretely’. It’s quite depressing to find that some society’s have grown so damn corrupt that an everyday person must live in anticipation of such horrific situations.:frowning:



theres more chances that a gun will get in the wroonnggg hands in the city…far too many gangs and stuff