Pirates or Zombies

What do you prefer

If figure this can’t be a bitch fest, so DISCUSS!

fin zombies cause there already dead so yea whats up this is my first drunk post yea go for winning a beer pong tourney 11 times in a row and 5 shots of tequila eya yea

FUCK this blows. I need to drink more because i got drunk too easily this time

Zombies are the worst.

I was thinking about zombies the other day, and about how much I hate them. They’re always walking slow, moaning, and eating me. Well, at least they try to eat me (I don’t let them). The problem with them is that they just don’t know when to quit. You can shoot a hole through their chest, and blow their legs off, but they still keep coming at you. The best thing to do is to run screaming. But they’ll follow you. So don’t run screaming unless you’re leading them into a trap.

Burning zombies isn’t a good idea, as they won’t die very easily and the smell is pretty bad. I suggest you dig a huge pit (I call mine the Zombie pit of hell) and lead them into a room with one entrance and one exit. After the zombies go into the room, lock the door behind them and start compacting the walls so they have no choice but to fall into the pit.

Once the zombies are in there, it’s safe to go into the room to tease the zombies (they hate it when you pour batery acid on them). After you get bored teasing them, tell them that you’ll let them out in half an hour. Turn off the lights and forget about them. If your friends come over, tell them that there’s a surprise in the room for them. As soon as they go in, turn on the lights and start the compactor walls. Laugh. Then, stop the walls just before they fall in and say “just kidding”. Then turn the walls back on for a few seconds just in case they think you really were kidding. Everyone will get a good laugh.

Best Maddox writeup ever



well of course zombie pirates FTW

well in that case what about pirate zombies

pyrat rum


No emotions, no greed, just eat…

seriously tho, the dawn of the dead remake was fucking awesome.

I’m going with pirates, only because they seem that have a better than average chance at becoming zombies afterwards making them the ultimate weapon.

lame zombies are far cooler.

zombies rule.

pirates, def.

theres nothing like drinking booze, commandeering others ship, blowing up other ships, stealing gold, and sword fighting.

edit: i almost forgot, screwing wenches

fuck that, pirates are weak.

think about it, 10 pirates coming at you, you can talk them out of killing you. Does a zombie care, nope. 10 zombies coming at you and its either kill or be killed.

Pirates will not eat you, Zombies will.
Pirates will probably just shoot you, or toss you over board.
Zombies will bite, tear and rip anything and everything, leaving nothing but bones.

Zombies FTMFW!


ninjas aren’t in this… so don’t bring them into this thread damn it!

yeah, but being a pirate would be much more fun


ITS IF A ZOMBIE (not you being a zombie) OR A FUCKING PIRATE (not you being a pirate) is cooler…

god tom, you are really hitting a nerve today…

ok not really but i haven’t verbally abused you today or said i’m better at snowboarding yet. so there i’m done for the day

idunno man, dustin hoffman makes a pretty badass hook.

“Bring me Peter Pan”