Have you ever been in a situation where you needed a gun (regardless of whether or not you actually had one at the time)? I’m not talking a fight. If you pull a gun on someone who doesn’t have one you’re going to jail. I’m talking multiple dudes, or another dude with a gun, etc.
Yes. Shotgun in my face. what I get for living downtown niagara falls, several years ago.
Nothing worse than having your life dangled infront of you, when the decission to live is no longer your own.
If I had a gun and was carrying it in a side holster, the outcome would have been different.
outlaw guns and only the outlaws will have guns.
I deliver Badnews for a living… people just don’t understand the “Don’t kill the messenger”
No. There were a few where it would have been nice to have, but overall I try to avoid the possibility of that type of situation.
i had a beer bottle smashed on my face in a bar fight once, thats about it for XTREME
I would suggest that you get a police escort for some old ladies, but I think you would still get shot when it’s his mom…
over seas = yes
state side = no
had a dude in QC set up a fake e-mail, pretend to be interested in 240sx parts, built a repour and try to meet me (ambush me). He drove 7 hours down to my place remaining in cognito until i figured it out and engaged the police.
And of course if you have a high risk job (like whatever the fuck badnewsmike does, or are in the military or something) then I agree that carrying a gun might not be a bad idea.
Who knows. Maybe I just don’t realized how blessed I am to be smart enough to avoid most of these situations, and lucky enough for the rest.
I agree with Fry, I would probably never carry a gun anywhere. Idunno, it just doesn’t seem necessary.
In most cases, more bad comes of those situations than good. Example, little kids accidentally shooting each other with daddy’s “hidden” gun.
No, I live in Tonawanda and I’m white.
That being said, I’d rock a gun anyways.
Yes for overseas and yes for stateside. Working downtown can get into hairy situations when working late. All you need is a crackhead with a know who has aids and that’s worse
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Way back when I was in college I had a guy try to run me over in a parking lot because I beeped at him when he cut me off. When I say run me over, he drove straight at me when I got out of my car, I jumped up and landed on his hood, and he then crashed into a parked car that he would have crushed me against had I not jumped on his hood.
Had I had a handgun on me at time I wouldn’t have hesitated to empty a mag into his windshield as I was sitting there wondering what was going to happen next. Luckily for me he reversed and took off as I fell off his hood and ran between some other cars for cover. BPD btw were useless even though a witness got a partial plate # and a good description of the vehicle.
Regardless, I will be converting my target/hunting to a conceal carry sometime in the next year. I doubt I’ll carry very often living/working in Amherst but on those days when I know I have to go into shitty Buffalo I probably will. I’ll still probably go my entire life without ever having to draw a weapon on someone.
:tup: We could totally be a side act at the rally for sanity. “And for our next act: Two rational people duscussing issues without degenerating into Keith Olbermann and Glen Beck.”
1 - Why did you get out of your car? Even if he was in the wrong, you automatically instigated the act by trying to be a macho man and yelling at someone. That’s called road rage. Don’t put yourself in that position.
2 - I know the guy threatened your life with the vehicle, but you seriously would have fired deadly shots through the guy’s windshield? If you even had time to reach for the gun, I still don’t buy it.
not trying to be a dick, just trying to understand the situation, feel free to correct me.
I didn’t even realize he had followed me. I got out to go into a store and a car came out of nowhere, dude yelling at me. As I tried to walk away he floored it and instinctively I jumped, just getting my legs out of the way before he crashed into a parked car with me lying on his hood, head up near his windshield.
And yes, someone just tried to kill me with a car, at which point I had no idea if he was going to reverse and immediately try to run me over again. If I had a weapon that I could have reached I would have used with deadly force it and been fully within my rights to do so.
you’re god damn right i’m firing deadly shots through his windshield. he’s trying to kill me, i’m returning the favor. how could you even question this?
OK, totally different story if the guy followed you to another location.
This is a super shitty situation for sure.
had a gun pulled on me after a random party fight, and got beat in the head with a wrench, i would of shot him.