Yes for overseas and in the states. I had a guy in Charlotte pull a gun on me in a parking lot because I gave him the finger in traffic. I was not out of my car to engage him i was walking into work. Although if I had a gun I wouldn’t have pulled it as the guy was already pointing one at me(through his car window). His message “better be careful who you give the finger to” then he drove away. Once i realized that it didn’t bother me too much or jumble my thoughts I realized some time soon after I should try the Army out. haha
And I don’t know, put in the same situation today but with my G19 on me, if I could have made the shot. I shoot quite a bit and at this point drawing and hitting a target quickly at close range is one of those ingrained actions that I can do almost without thinking. Kind of like when you’re learning to drive stick. At first you really have to think about the clutch, the speed, the exact gear position of the shifter etc etc. After doing it enough times you can do it sub-consciously where it’s not even an active task in your thought process.
But could you do it if your life depended on it? In a 100% stressful situation, not shooting at a paper target that is of no threat but a something that is posing an immediate and real threat to your life? I don’t know. Honestly I hope I never have to answer that question, but if I ever do I’d like to at least have the option of taking the test, instead of rolling over and taking a 0 because I forgot my #2 pencil.
some girl got pissed because I wouldn’t take her to prom back in high school. Made up some story to her alcoholic parents, still not sure to this day what it was. Her sister and sister b/f where driving all over looking for me. came to my house ect. Call me told me they where gonna kill me when they found me.
Later that night her dad call me tells me to come over to “talk” so I drive over there. He immanently throws me in the front closet and starts throwing punches. he stops as i crawl out of the closet he had a fun pointed at me. told me he never wants see me again.
I would have 100% pulled a pistol if I would have had one and gave him a shot in the leg.
This thread is turning out to be rather reaffirming for me. :tup:
I would have took her to prom and went ATM. Preferably also given her a dirty sanchez.
And you would have died instead of being able to tell this story. All he has to do is pull a trigger. You have to un-conceal your weapon, draw it, get a sight picture and move your finger to the trigger. Unless he’s asleep or severely distracted long before you get through all that he’s fired.
Or, if you’re talking about after he let you walk away, you’ll be in jail because you’ve escaped the immediate and reasonable fear for your life and then went back into that threat. It’s ideas like this that make the case for making concealed carry permits hard to get.
Same thing in the other thread where someone brought up that car jacking at gun point in Tonawanda. I don’t care if I’m carrying at the time or not. Someone walks up and puts a gun to my head demanding the car they’re welcome to take it. Take it and get the fuck away from me thank you very much. The only case I’d be choosing to go for my gun in that situation was if my kid was strapped in the back. No way you’re taking my car while I’m alive if I can’t get her out first. Even then I’d rather try reason first, like, “take the car man, just let me get her out first. You don’t want the heat of a kidnapping a kid. If you take the car with the kid you’ll have every cop in the country looking for you”.
I could only imagine where that would have gotten me. I would got the fuck outta dodge.
I forgot to mention, a few weeks later I was at a friends down the street and I have a few witness seen him cut my brake line on my car.
More less the reason I drive around with my .243 and my SX2 in my gun rack…
I want to make an official looking concealed weapon permit sticker for car windows…
Then I can sell them @ pep boys and walmart by the thousands…
Can I just call China to set up the factory or what?
Why the leg? You shoot to end the threat!
It was years ago, I’m prettry sure it was a .22 and he wash smashed. I really have no idea how it would have played out. Fiat turned its wheeles they way it did and i’m here not dead.
Thanks for the completely unrelated flashback to the movie Vulgar… Not sure why I thought of it, but that movie sucks.
The Fiat turned it’s wheels huh?
i find this thread very interesting, doing what i used to do, having had a guns pulled on me numorus times and other objects, i would say yes to carrying a firearm
That would not work… too easily confused with those lame " I support NYPD" sheild stickers
Another thought… How many criminals can read…
Damn… It’s not as easy as I had hoped.
yes, once, a long time ago, in another life…
For any smart asses reading this thinking about robbing my ass because I’m an unarmed ninny, take note taht I"m only talking about carrying while I’m out and about. I’m a pretty good shot with my 870 pump, and my great grandpa’s .22 would do more than sting. And my wife dials a mean 911. And my german shepherd hates strange men. And I live in clarencakronawandalbiorchardpark.
And if there weren’t witnesses, who’s to say that you didn’t shoot first and as a reaction he stomped on the gas. Not saying you’d be wrong, but that could get really ugly. There is so much litigation and firearm paranoia that I don’t know if it’s worth it to carry.
Not since middle school.