Got “jumped” aka quickly surrounded by 6 Neo-Nazis when I was drinking in a playground with some friends around midnight a few years back. I had a folding knife that we were using for opening the bottles, I was about ready to defend myself when one of the Nazis recognized my friends as a former co-worker.
I was really surprised as to how quickly I had gone through the mental preparations to stab the guy in the throat with a 3.5" blade. It took me a while to wind down from it all.
Yes, while at work. I was threatened by someone with a gun twice in Roc and once in Ruff Buff. All 3 times it has been black people, white people just threaten violence with fists.
see the time i got threatened with a gun while working it was white people in nicer neighbor hoods often with shoot gun or rifle. I found the blacks had less to loose and didnt care. the only time it was a black “kid” it was a drug dealer who thought i was dealing, but after explaining i was just taking the guys home not selling him drugs he just left.
The other place which i REFUSE to go to any more, is the rez. the indains think they are above the law and I have gotten shot at there. thank god there rotten shots.
I, like cougerspeed realized i don’t panic, I usually am very level headed when weapons are pointed at me. I think I’m chemically imbalanced
i have a story but here in canada, citizens cannot carry handguns. so even if you are a legal gun owner, if you were to defend yourself with a firearm i am not sure how Canadian and US law differ.
lol and i like the idea of an NRA sticker…shes got firepower!!
My buddy had a gun in his face while driving his new Dodge truck. I was with him that night but ended up going home rather then hanging out any longer. If the guy would have tried car jacking him with me behind him I probably would have ran him over or shot him. My friend just took off running a red light and the guy shot at him. Must have really sucked because he missed his entire truck.
Also had a friend that got jumped by ~3 guys leaving my friends party. He was beaten up by these random guys pretty badly. If I was with him I would have pulled my gun, but only to order them to leave.
I don’t panic and don’t carry myself. I feel that having a gun would only escalate things and not work out well for all parties involved. I can normally diffuse a situation but sometimes I can’t and just need to leave asap. When you are on the res an Indian Marshall plays by a whole different set of rules. Run until you get to white man land.
I am not looking forward to any situation where some one is so unappreciative of my sarcasm that they threaten to inflict bodily harm on me. I usually have a knife on me for random shit like opening boxes not throats.
Anyone watch the conceal carry school show on spike?
It’s was nice to see them practice a response to having a gun in your face.
What they did not say was, “do whatever you are told”
anyone here ever threaten somebodys life?? or actually turn the tables on the situation, insted of would of could of should of? i was skatin caz casino after hours some years back when a nigga (thats racist! fuck off) knocked me over and pinned me down with a knife to my face. i was def scared. long story short i ended up seeing an opening to make a move, my attack caught him by suprise and he dropped his weapon, rest of the story is a statute of limitations thing i think… worst situation ive ever been in
And as for using a firearm to defend yourself…it’s all how you articulate it… FOR EXAMPLE: Jessica (100lbs) is walking down the street after a night class, a guy runs up and tackles her and tries to force her into a car, she grabs her Glock from her purse and puts 3 centermass. Do you think she’ll be punished? Hell no. The guy had no weapon on him but he was twice the size of her, so his hands were a deadly weapon and there for this would be a good shoot
I guess this goes by the old saying “I’d rather be tried by 12 than carried by 6”
I’m not hating on people who chose not to carry, but I don’t think people should judge people who do carry.
was riding my bicycle around the block when i was a kid, a black suv ripped up beside me, tried to smash me into a curb, then when i was riding away 3 black dudes jumped out and chased me through a park.
no idea what the fuck that was about but i got away.
I do not believe in gun control for the most part and I believe that Pistols should not be that hard to get for law abiding citizens. However, I find it very difficult to believe that 50% of people that voted in this poll needed a gun for protection when from the sounds of almost every story a gun would have made the situation worse. I also find it very difficult to believe that all of the people that voted yes actually were involved in a life or death situation especially when everyone who voted is still alive. To me it is almost the thought that Law Enforcement Officers use in why they need a gun for routine traffic stops- because everyone is a suspect and every situation COULD turn bad. It is not a knock on anyone, It just doesn’t add up to me. Also, I was in the military like many others and I personally own a number of firearms just so my opinion isn’t just discounted as a hippy.
---------- Post added at 06:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:00 PM ----------
And btw, almost getting your ass kicked is not the same as almost getting killed. I have almost gotten my ass kicked(as well as actually gotten my ass kicked), but at no time was I almost killed in my opinion.
Two friends and I were held at gunpoint by two masked guys (they jumped out of the car THEN put on the masks, I saw them, dumb asses). They demanded $, one friend gave them a few bucks, and the other friend didnt have $ , I said “I can’t give you anything”. They chose to pick on the kid with no money and smacked him hard with the butt of his gun then drove off in the cars. Seemed like it was a 30 min ordeal, I’m sure it was 30 seconds. Never heard back from the cops about getting them.