Ever have your life threatened?

they had knives if that was directed at me

It was not directed at anyone in particular but you did not mention that in your post. Also, you mentioned that you were able to get away without incident. If you had a gun would you have killed them? I am 100% for protecting yourself and I believe that you should never have to back down or run but I also believe that guns are usually a bad idea to have in stressful situations for the majority of our society.


a kid in toronto, matt baranofski (sp?) was stomped to death over a pack of smokes. my friend and i got set up and had to run from 20 masked, hooded guys with bats and shit. i would consider that life or death. however, i agree that guns can make a situation worse.

further proof that smoking kills.

i was able to get away without incident because i was on the track and field team for my whole life, and i also raced mountain bikes when i was young. im sure 99% of earths population would have been killed in the same situation.

and regardless of whether or not i would have used a gun and killed them, it sure would have deterred them from pursuing me if i pulled one out.

My sister an I were taking my younger sister’s friend home on the rez. These guys started chasing us in their car, one leaned out the passenger window with a .22 rifle and started shooting at us. Called the cops. Nothing was done because it was on the rez, even though I knew who it was (driver and shooter). That was 7 years ago. To this day, if either of them see me in white man land, they avoid me like the plague. Certain things I will not forgive. Will I shoot them…no. Beat them within an inch of their life, ohhh yes.

i’d like to bump this.
I was jumped in an ally this weekend by 5 large guys while I was walking to my car. I was sucker punched so I’m sporting a nice shinner, didn’t even see it coming. I was carrying.creating distance and drawing out was enough of a deterrence to make them turn into little bitches.
If it didn’t save my life, it atleast saved me a broken jaw, ribs and what ever else they would have did to me, on top of keeping me from having to cancel all my credit card and buying a new wallet. :wink:

most every situation can be avoided. Maybe I shouldn’t have been walking from a resturarnt to my car at night. either way. I know if I didn’t have protection, I probably be in a lot more pain than I am.

Wow I’m glad you walked away pretty unharmed. Any idea if the guys got arrested?

please tell me you arent carrying your h&k…?

thats the only gun i own and i most certainly would NEVER carry that in plain clothes.

I like AZ … open carry FTW.

holy shit man! glad youre alright

Why the hell didn’t you shoot them?

More scumbags should be killed, no questions asked. There would be less scumbags.


^^ wtf just happened?

I dunno whether thats a scene outa the sopranos or if you are just plain nuts. If thats how it was, you are a lucky man (probs a short one though being italian and all) and should deffinetly not try that again.

I agree with the theory. Sadly in our society the criminals and scum have more rights than those on the up & up. 8/
Nobody respects one another and there is no real accountability in the US. A dealer caught with small amounts of dope probably does more time than a rapist or even a murder I bet.

the way I looked at it was that this was a white kid that was scared of his own shadow. I mean he didnt point it at me but he still pulled it. He wouldnt have the balls to do anything I think he brought it more just to “look” tough then anything. LOL I am short :frowning:

nah, my personal firearm.

I’m not at liberty to speak about whats gonna happen to the guys… but u can imagine

---------- Post added at 01:23 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:20 AM ----------

because they went from 5 tough guys to 5 little bitches in about 1 second. you have no idea how much restaint i used… i wanted to put my knee through the guys face but I didn’t

Damn, glad you’re ok… Part of me has a ton of respect for you, the other part wants to side with jack… the ratio changes as I think more about the situation and variables.

Do you know the guys? will you be seeing them again?

Awesome. :tup:

Highly unintelligent. :tdown: