13 yr old dad???

Meh. once you’re 12 or 13 you’re responsible for your own actions. You know right from wrong and how to act (assuming your parents aren’t TOTAL trash).

w3rd. Exactly what I was trying to say x 10

How about we don’t do that instead. However, I love how we feel like sex is something we have to hide from kids, like that is doing them some sort of favor. It’s funny how this country views sex. Like it’s some horrible thing that we have to hide from everyone. It cant be on tv, you can’t talk about it openly, etc. Janet Jacksons wrinkled old titty came out at the super bowl for half a second and we have to have a sweeping overhaul of the FCC. Vehemently repressing the most primal and natural function of human behavior is not particularly good for your psyche either.

I’m not going to hide anything from my kids. The world is a big bad scary place and they’re going to know about it from day one.

that’s a pretty limited and dumbass kind of way to look at it… how about the 12-14 year old girl that thinks that it’s ok to have sex with 10 dudes… we used to go to college and find some skeezers that you wouldn’t touch with a pole and now these girls are in middle school… ever think of the emotional issues this is causing with america’s youth? girls that think that dudes treating them like garbage is the norm… people not taking responsibility for their actions and fundamentally breaking down anything that any good and moral parent would have taught their kids…

how well does it bode for parents to preach to their kids to wait to have sex, just to have them walk into the entrance to school with a basket with free condoms? or the nurses office having tootsie-pops and a few trojans in the waiting room…

if you can’t see the inherent conflict with morals and ethics surrounding Americas youth, you’re dumber than I thought… it’s not about sex and rational thought, these kids are far too abstracted from reality to understand life’s lessons, until it’s too late.

hence a thread on a car forum about a 13 year old father.

and how is it the kids fault if the only institution of knowledge (aside from parenting at home) is the one pushing the thought into their heads? since when is a 12 / 13 year old held responsible??? isnt’ that what turning 18 means??? hell you can’t even work 20 hrs a week in PA unless you’re 14… lets be a little more realistic here… 12 / 13 is still very much a child.

I didn’t say that kids shouldn’t wait to have sex. I didn’t say that parents shouldn’t teach them why they should wait. Same with drugs, drinking, smoking, driving too fast, blah blah blah. However you cannot make the decision for them, and kids are always going to drink, smoke, drive too fast and fuck. Mostly for the same reasons that adults do… BECAUSE IT’S FUN!

how well does it bode for parents to preach to their kids to wait to have sex, just to have them walk into the entrance to school with a basket with free condoms? or the nurses office having tootsie-pops and a few trojans in the waiting room…

Yep, it’s the condoms in the nurses office that are making kids fuck. Not the raging hormones. Interesting reality that you’ve got there…

if you can’t see the inherent conflict with morals and ethics surrounding Americas youth, you’re dumber than I thought… it’s not about sex and rational thought, these kids are far too abstracted from reality to understand life’s lessons, until it’s too late.

You’re right. It’s not about rational thought. It’s about hormones. You think that it’s the media/culture that is making teenagers want to fuck? :rofl: :rofl:

and how is it the kids fault if the only institution of knowledge (aside from parenting at home) is the one pushing the thought into their heads? since when is a 12 / 13 year old held responsible??? isnt’ that what turning 18 means??? hell you can’t even work 20 hrs a week in PA unless you’re 14… lets be a little more realistic here… 12 / 13 is still very much a child.

Yet at the age of 12 you can wander around the woods with a high powered rifle and shoot at animals. :eek3: Quite the paradox, no?

I would have agreed with you about 10 years ago, but once the reality of parenting sinks in, your views change slightly. I was a “young” father at 19 and I know first hand what a mess it was. I don’t shield my kids nearly as much as my parents did, but you still want to maintain thier innocence as long as possible. I’m not so naive to believe that the world hasn’t changed, but I still want my kids to be kids. They can be adults till they die. Why should my 9 year old be worried about her date on Saturday night? Not going to happen. You’re not wrong, all I can tell you is it changes once you have them.

Maybe people have never read a history book, only reciently(past 100 or so years). Being that young and having a family was considered too young. Im not shocked at all. We were given the ability to repoduce, some people just cant handle that responsibility all that well :blah:

I certainly understand that and empathize with it. However I think that in many cases it’s the parents emotional attachment to their children and their desire to shield/protect them from the outside world that makes them OVERPROTECT them, and then when they ARE out on their own in social situations, they end up just going with the flow since they’re not prepared for it.

It’s the parents natural instinct to protect.

It’s the teenager’s natural instinct to aspire for independence.

It’s EVERYONE’s natural instinct to fuck. (scientists are currently seeking what happens to adult females genetic makeup once gold/diamond combinations are strapped around finger as to sex drive).

Genetically, we’re barely beyond cavemen. To deny it is to deny our identity.

That looks good on paper, but once you have kids, your views will change. And you can deny it on the interweb all you want, but it will happen.

If you go and start telling your kids at the age of 8 or so about sex, drugs, how the real world is, etc… you will be denying them of their childhood. The great part of kids is seeing how they see the world without it being all fucked up. You need to teach your kids how to think on their own and make their own decisions instead of following mob mentality and when the time comes for them to really grow up, they will be prepared. I have no idea when the right time for the sex talk is, but I know my 7 year old has a few more years before I even start thinking about it.

What “looks good on paper” is synonymous for “what is right before one lets emotion cloud one’s sensibility”. I would never tell anyone else how to raise their kids, so please don’t let it sound like I am. However, I personally think that “childhood”, and “innocence” and all that crap is highly overrated. I’m 26 and I don’t even remember most of my childhood, aside from cool trips or events or whatever. I certainly don’t remember my innocence or blissful ignorance or any of those emotions. Remember, you’re only a kid for a few years, then you’re an adult for the other 70 years of your life.

I would see my role as a parent to make my kids smart, well-mannered, outgoing, sociable, and as informed as possible, while instilling a good work ethic. This is what will set them up for success for their whole lives. Spoil a kid rotten and they’ll turn out rotten. Neglect them and they’ll have poor self esteem. Shelter them from the realities of life and it will do them no good either.


agreed, but once you have kids, your outlook on a lot of things instantly changes. At least it did for me.

You may not remember every little thing about your childhood, but everything that happened make you who you are today, good or bad.

spoiling you kids or neglect are bad things to do, but sheltering them from bad things until they are old enough to understand them is part of parenting, IMO. I do not want my kids to know about the shitty side of life right now, they have better things to occupy their time with. Like learning how to work a clutch on a dirtbike or how to beat the last level of mario on the Nintendo DS.

Well obviously there’s nothing wrong with any of that, but when the time comes that they are of age to comprehend the inequities of this world we live in, I shall never try to shield them from it.

Assuming I ever have kids, that is. :kekegay:

instill the fear of God in ur kids. i spent my after school hours with my grandma and she raised 4 boys… one smack to the back of the head was enough for me. If i acted up and my grandma smacked me, my mom would find out and smack for acting up around my grandma.

the further we get from generations that were raised by parents that immigrated and generations that did manual labor, the worse things will get. People have become lazy. they throw material things at their kids. they throw perscription drugs at their kids. the medical society has had a hand in the problem to. they have to call everything a condtion or a disease. there is also the problem of kids whos parents are not together, get divorced, hate eachother…etc etc…

i think kids today have too many options. when i was young (mid 80’s-early90’s) you watched cartoons on saturday, you went outside to play in the dirt/release/football/whiffleball, you played a sport for one team per season, you used the house phone, you played video games but not excessively and you knew the difference between reality and games, you watched TV with violence but the good guys won.

WTF is up with todays cartoons…seriously. they have enough hanna barbara cartoons to show for 40 years. show those and be done with it.

thankfully all those CC tea-baggings didn’t leave you with an unquenchable thirst for cock.

or did it? :hsugh:

i was there before tea bagging…there was only light petting goin on.


  1. hormones are nature… free condoms is an enabler… it’s also subconsiously telling kids that it’s OK to do… if there were free cigarettes in the nurses office wouldn’t that teach kids that it’s OK to smoke?
  2. no… i think that under stimulation of the masses with over the top sexism teaches kids that sex is something public, not private and that it’s ok to do frequently and with a lot of people, just like on tv and in the movies / celebrities.
  3. after completing a hunters safety course, after firing a firearm in front of authorized personnel and with parental approval…

die in a two-pedal corvette fire

I tend to disagree. Your 7 year old may not be ready for the talk, but how do you do others aren’t? Age is just a number. Not every 8 year old is ready for the talk, but mine was. I didn’t take any of his childhood away by telling him the true facts of life. IMHO, it will make him a better free thinker. A person that is able to decide right from wrong when it’s happening, not hours or days later. But again that is my child, yours may be different.

either you have a very mature 8 year old or my kid is very immature.

My 7 year old still thinks that kissing girls is disgusting and girls in gereral are disgusting. I can’t imagine him changing in less than a year.

I would have to agree. My dad gave me the “talk” when I was 10 and even then I thought it was disgusting and the whole idea kinda grossed me out. Maybe I was just too sheltered before that, but I didn’t really ever think about sex and stuff. I was too busy playing baseball and running around in the mud for that stuff to even cross my mind. Maybe times are different now? :confused:

  1. free condoms is an enabler? nigga please. It’s NOT THE FUCKING CONDOMS. And FWIW until just this year they did give out free cigarettes in Armstrong County schools. So suck it.

  2. If television and the movies are the ones teaching your kids about sex, then you’ve failed as a parent.

  3. I think the only real recourse here is to just kids to do it IDB. That way you don’t have to hand out condoms and there’s no chance of pregnancy. EVERYBODY WINS!!!111

i never got the talk but girls were still tight back in the early 90’s so it didnt matter either way what i thought about them. well girls were tight in my school anyway. went to catholic grade school so i think we had about 25 kids in my grade. that made us all a close group and friendly with eachother. i never went to public school so i dont know what its like. are u always in the same class with people or does it change year to year? i was with the same kids for 8 years so we all grew up around the same influences. to my knowledge no one turned out to be a big whore, or a crack head or someone on the outside of society. i dont know where i was goin with this. i guess maybe what it meant that since it was a catholic school all the kids were coming from the same types of families ( christian values, similar incomes, etc) at public school its more of a crap shoot. this isn;t a bash on public schools at all but i was just explaining what it was like for me in a middle class private school in the city. the kid with most money i grew up was the first to have a kid out of marriage and when he was under 21 and the poorest girl was the first of the girls to have a child out of marriage.

i dont think the talk would have effected me either way, i was smart enough to know what is right and wrong based on the values i learned and was able to aply it to that aspect of my life. i snuck a peek at club magazine when i was 9 or 10 but i was still to young to wanna run to my room and jerk it. i think the talk isnt as import as instilling in your child to not grow up and be an asshole.