A Global Warming Thread for Jeg

If Fox News is reporting on this, it must be true!


pshhh 1st, they’re french. 2nd it’s only a 90% chance

How come FOX used the term ‘Likely’ and then the report uses the term ‘Very-Likely’ and also cites the ‘Likely’ was the term used for the 2001 report?

I am going to pay no attention to a report that assigns a quantity to “very likely.”

But yeah, we’re probably cooking ourselves. On the plus side, I just ate a big pile of bacon. :tup:

The phrase “very likely” translates to a more than 90 percent certainty that global warming is caused by man’s burning of fossil fuels. That was the strongest conclusion to date, making it nearly impossible to say natural forces are to blame.

its about time the scientists believe in it now

Just want to post before the whole East Coast discredits/ignores it because it’s frigid out at the moment…

I read the article. It’s just that the whole assigning a number to a vague phrase thing seems awfully hokey. If one of my colleagues reported to me that “the plant was making pretty good oxygen, which is an improvement over last week’s good oxygen, and meets the customer’s minimum requirements of okay oxygen” I’d probably slap them.

I understand it’s probably just a way of spinning it to the public, but I prefer objectiveness (which is probably not a word) to spin. But I’m sure I’m in the minority.

Let the mother and cancer jokes begin!!


I can’t wait until JEG overcomes his ADD to make it to the computer…I know it’s a 3 hour trek for him to walk the 15 feet from his bedroom to the computer, with all those damn distracting light switches getting in the way.

Taken from article…
The scientists _ using their strongest language yet on the issue _ said now that world has begun to warm, hotter temperatures and rises in sea level “would continue for centuries” no matter how much humans control their pollution.

Should I cancel my order for my Prius?
Will the EPA loosen its strangle hold on American companies?

Side note: Tornados in Florida on the same day the report on global warming is released?!?!?!?:snky:

Tornados in Florida?!? WTF?


wait does JEG think global warming is due to natural causes?


Note to self; Sell condo in Aspen and buy Coppertone stock.

Why sell property that will be in a more mild climate and at a high elevation?

Where does the report say there will be an increase in sunshine?

omg a naturally occuring event that has happened a shit ton of times before is happening again, OMG!!!

It just dawned on me that there’s a name for the reason that I can’t help but be somewhat skeptical of global warming: quantization error.


Seriously, thousands and thousands of scientists around the world agree that humans are rapidly increasing global warming. Don’t you think they’ve considered that this process has happened many-a-times before?

Like I’ve said before, you’d have to be a rucking fetard to not believe that we are having an effect on the earths climate.

This is the funniest thing I’ve read so far in 07. Roffle.

A couple things bother me about this report.

  1. 113 governments got together and adjusted it word by word. That’s way more political influence that I like to see in my “scientific” papers.

  2. I know from a lot of reading I’ve done that views against the media accepted view of global warming are oppressed. If this climate group wants me to believe them, they should print the dissenting opinion as well, the same was the supreme court does for their opinions.

  3. I keep going back to this graph, a history of earth’s temperature.
    Top is oldest, each graph below is a small cross section looking at a smaller portion of time.

  4. And this is the real big one I always find being ignored. water vapor vs anthropogenic CO2. Some good reading:

The fact is, we don’t know a lot about the effect of water vapor, or it’s feedback loop. The problem is water vapor is the #1 greenhouse gas, accounting for over 95% of the greenhouse effect, yet all the global warming doomsday predictions ignore it and focus only on the <5% coming from CO2. I can understand governments doing this, because governments need the people to believe they can control everything, and if they admitted to the water vapor issue they’d also have to admit it’s 100% beyond the control of humans.

Is our CO2 output contributing, more than likely. But the answer about how much will probably never be known because the question is now more about politics than science.