Black Ops

PS3 and 360 banter is almost identical, a bunch of children and minorities talking trash and whining like little faggy bitches. You don’t get that on PC for the most part, no self respecting nerd is going to come on there talking trash… nerds don’t get violent, they sign your email up for north american man-boy love association newsgroups.

nambla ftw


Just played some zombies around 5pm. Got rocked. Ne’er again.


I’ll be on tonight fuckers.

Rage quit last night during hardcore CTF when a guy called in back to back chopper gunner, attack helicopter, chopper gunner again and gunship after I joined.

I don’t have ghost pro!!! I died 7 to 8 times in a row from the bs and quit. I don’t even know how you can get them all like that.

U pussy, u suck anyway :rofl

Same shit happened to me during Demolition last night, the fuckin guys were wayyy too good (you know you are in trouble when you are playing against people with colored clan tags)… first round they got both targets, then as soon as it was time to defend they sent dogs, attack heli, dogs, heli, rolling thunder. Yea, no.

My awesome Tomahawk kill from last night

I would have rage quit on the spot

SO true. Every time on to play PS3 there is some stupid PR fuck with his music up way to loud so i can hear it through his head set. Motherfucker, this aint Kohls, you aint hard parking, turn that shit down. ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

x10-09893428759034578934 that shit was epic to watch though.

FPS on PC > FPS on console. Chad has been asking me to get Black Ops and I’m refusing too. I even went to download the demo of MW2 off Live to see what a controller felt like in an FPS and I said no.

Can’t wait for BF3, Crysis 2, MW3.

Kid sent me a nice message afterwards also LOL will post it tonight when i get home.

My nephew has done that a few times, it’s pretty epic when it happens. I’ve seen him do it atleast twice on Nuketown. People are like IDKWTFHAPPENED

I have one from nuketown also

these ones playing sticks and stones:

2.9 ktd bitches!

I’ve also recently killed the entire enemy team (5 guys) with one Semtex! :lol

Post vid or it didnt happen

I’m quite sure it happened.

Not you talking about vladdy