Bought A new ride today.1 of 4 for the yr is complete

i vote we have an NY speed meeting with key-note speaker: misteroman$$$

i’ll buy cookies.

your just mad cause his truck can run over your teeny hondaaaaaa


So predictable.


So stupid.

With the popularity of the ARMs & HEQs over the last 3-5 years, there is going to be a real estate “liquidation” in the near term. People got too careless and absorbed in the post 9/11 rate environment. People financining more more home then they could afford @ adjustable & variable rates. Not too mention the morons that signed up for an interest only mortgage with the intent to pay the thing ASAP.

In other words, it will be a HUGE buyers market very soon. Over the next 18-36 months, 3/2s 5/1s and the like start adjusting, People are going to HAVE to sell off their precious ATM to avoid FORECLOSURE.
Those that can’t sell quickly enough are only going to fall further behind, a couple more months and the house is a Bank Owned Sale (foreclosure / auction).

Start saving Your pennies NYSpeed.

^ :word: :tup:

Yes, indeed you are. Suppose this SUV is driven 300 miles a week. (Slightly higher than national average.) I’ll even concede your 15MPG figure, although it is likely higher. That means that she would burn 20 gallons of gas per week, as opposed to a POS compact that gets 30MPG, that would burn 10.

At $3 a gallon, that’s $30 a week, or $1560 extra cost a year. Iran produces 10.2% of the world’s oil. That means $159.20 worth of gas comes from iranian oil. Subtract out costs for refining, wholesale, retail, and you’re at between $50 and $100 extra, PER YEAR, that Iran theoretically gets.

God forbid they use that money to fight our allies, considering we only spend between 1 and 2 BILLION times that per year fighting in iraq.

Thank you, come again.

But word to Nikuk. I’d get into short term bonds for the moment, followed by real estate, because everyone with a variable rate mortgage is getting squeezed, and some of them are going to pop

Wow, and take into account how many people are just as bright as you.

But please, feel free to think locally.

You sure got me there…

Okay, so if we’re going to pretend to be smart here…

71,460 Tahoes have been sold through May. If you project that for the rest of 2006 and multiply it by $75 (our make believe number of dollars which we’ll say Iran is making per year off of a Tahoe buyer–which may or may not be close to actuality)

by golly

you get close to 12.9 million dollars. Now I wonder how much money those Russian missiles they like to buy are a piece. :slight_smile:

Think globally?

For many people, trucks are required. Just think about how much money they make off semi trucks per year filling up with massive amounts of diesel, should we stop using those too?
Not to mention, the majority of iranian oil is produced by private companies. Who keep a majority of the profits. It’s not like they’re just dropping 13 mil in the hands of Hamas.
Also, in the grand scheme of things, 13 mil aint shit. They spent a billion dollars on missile defense systems at the start of this year.

How about motorsports. Why doesn’t anyone complain about motorsports? Seriously.


:tup: to the new ride.

Buffalo will have an Ethanol plant by next year:

Judging from other places that already have these plants up and running, available ethanol at gas stations was available within months.

The ethanol is being shipped to Albany for distribution. The distribution will not be local.

Youre justifying a truck getting bad gas mileage with this pos of a statement?

Anyway, proceed.

That’s pretty lame since it’s not even Cory. AFAIK, that Evo MR Geoff (Eclipseblur).

Second of all, Cory, we get it, it’s a gas guzzling environmentally unfriendly beast; no need to keep reiterating it.


BTW, in addition, anyone who is getting on hard about gas mileage on this forum (a motorsports forum) should consider themselves up for the hypocrisy award. Cory, the majority of your Glanz Detailing business is made up of gas guzzling speed cars so I would relax. Pass McGrass drives a big dopey V8 so I don’t know where he gets off on his soap box either. Such is life, I suppose. Carry on.

I couldnt tell by the small gif who it was. But the rest of your post is right on.

lol I average 22ish mpg with almost NO highway driving. If you ever get your…what car do you drive again?..eclipse going, we will have to do (each other) a little comparison.

What for, I am NOT complaining…

I knew that was going to be brought up into the argument, but really–I haven’t made a penny off of the business taking into account the overhead. Although I did buy snazzy pair of orthopedic shoes with enough plastic to give Iran a handsome boost in profits. Now that’s riding in the lap of luxury if I do say so myself.

Oh, and my name has an E in it. Goodness gracious…

I think your on the wrong board if you going to complain about gas mileage.

Can’t you just take you political bitching elsewhere. The guy got a car he likes from working hard, you can’t ask for more than that.