Caught a guy breaking into a car, need advice

I got punched in the face by a cop (unprovoked, It happened inside a Circuit City believe it or not), and I pressed charges and he ended up getting off with some fines, since I did not have any substantial proof or witnesses.

I know how you feel, considering this cop had all my information, was a 'roid head, and was pretty much insane.

Serve and protect :cjerk:

speaking of addresses, does anyone know Bob Mcmahon’s address? He work Mall security and is on the APD… I want to send him a Christmas card for arresting me a couple years ago.


McMahon, Robert
5128 Thurston Ave
Buffalo, NY 14219-2676
(716) 824-1579

Thank you Unless there’s another Bob McMahon in the Buffalo area. Which I highly doubt, given how small the population of people with Irish heritage is in this area…

I want to make sure my card gets to the right house…

This is the part that would worry me…

hahaha you got punched in the face by a cop

ahahahahah nice avatar :stuck_out_tongue:

9 out of 10 people are punks and wouldn’t do anything. One in 10 are nuts. So in that case I come prepared for the worst always.

Personally I wear steel toe boots always (except when i’m wearing sandles) as they will shatter a jaw and fracture a skull.

If that doesn’t work I always I have a knife on me for multiple person conflicts. Growing up with the kind of family I have you learn at a young age what is effective and what is not.

Now I don’t use it, nor do I want to have to. And before someone says “oh well your fucked if they get your knife”…at that point if its out, I’m pretty much fucked 6 ways from sunday. So they better kill me with that knife or else.

Just keep aware of your surroundings and don’t let your guard down and you won’t get bothered.

Note to self: Don’t rob Hybrid.

You have no fucking idea.

some is getting shanked in the sweet spot for his birthday

they have to give him your so he knows where not to go

Baseball Bat FTW :tup:

DSM Balance Shaft > Baseball bat.

lead pipe FTW!!!

The man has a point.

wel, got a subpena for this on thursday, what the shit, this is why its so hard to find witnesses

dont ever bring a knife to a gun fight. :tup: