Cleaning valve cover for paint......

$uck you

:lol: Every time speedped posts something, the next 10 posts are about how stupid he is.



idc your calling me dumb yet the guy said you can use gasoline to prep stuff before paint which i said u cant and now yous are talking shit like usual $uck yous who keep talking shit

for the love of god, shut the fuck up^^^^

for the love of god go back where you came from which is your mothers asshole because your a shitbabay

I used LAC. THINNER. It turned out perfectly. Ill post pics tomorrow.

No, redo it. This time, use gas…


Well here is the outcome.

This is the process that I used:

It was already stripped prior to painting.

  1. I used some Lac. Thinner to clean it,
  2. Let it sit for 20 mins
  3. Sprayed on a lite coat and then came back 5 mins later and sprayed again. I repeated that process untill it was evenly coated.
  4. Let it sit for 4 hours to air dry
  5. Put it in a 200 degree oven for 20 mins.

I think it turned out awesome for $5 worth of paint and a couple mins of my time.

looks real good.

wow, that came out great. nice work. i’m usually not a krinkle paint fan but i like this one…