Dead Pixels on a DLP - Anyone Have This Problem?

I bought a Toshiba 65HM167 TV back in August. I just noticed that I have at least 7 dead pixels on the screen. I know they are dead pixels because they are rectangular in shape and all the same size. The screen itself does not appear to be the problem but the projected image. I have a service appointment on Saturday but I wanted to know if there was anything I could do in the mean time.

like we talking tiny pixels here? how did you notice them? opening your tv isn’t a good idea better wait 3 days you impatient wop.

Sucks though…

They are noticeable on the Xbox 360 and PS3 dashboard since they are quite large. I dunno if it would qualify as a pixel or a collection of pixels because I can see them. However, on a 65" TV, it’s hard to miss when you get up close.

make sure to stab the capacitors with a screwdriver for best results :tup:

Gee, thanks Jim, great advice.

thats super shitty. Hope it doesn’t take you down for long.

you wouldn’t be talkin shit if you tried it :slight_smile:

edit: i mean because it works sweet.

The only reason I noticed was because I was up close putting DVD’s away and I saw them on the screen. Each one is the same size but they are quite large. It’s probably different on a DLP than it is on an LCD/Plasma so who knows. Stupid lifetime service center is booked for the rest of the week.

god…jim is so worthless…

sorry to hear though matt.

its alost impossible to get a truely dead pixel on a DLP tv… the way the chip is constructed/works (wobulation etc) is virtually impossible VIRTUALLY… 9/10 its dust on the chip…

Toshiba should cover it… either that or TI…

Call toshiba first… then call TI

Lifetime Service center is coming on Saturday so regardless, the warranty will cover what is needed. Maybe I will get a whole new TV.

if thats the case…i want to punch ur TV before they take it.

what did i tell you…

Or maybe butt secks

sadly probably not… the DLP light engine is surprising simple to replace for somethign that rarely ever has issues…

but its $$ so i dont know how lifetime will cover it… and i doubt they have any in stock, so push to get a new tv rather then wait for parts just remember to tell them you have an icebowl party or somethign to that regards that u need a working TV for…

Come again? Nothing you said would prevent this issue from having. Plasma/LCD are more prone than DLP for this problem.

If the light engine is built into the bulb assembly than it is easy to replace but if it’s more TV guts than I guess who knows. I will just have to wait and see what they say.

yeah, like dont buy toshiba… jk.

Blah blah blah… Lunch tomorrow?

give me a ring.