Devioustsi = 300C SRT-8

So Don and I were on our way back to the shop from the toyfest on sunday. When we get to the 3 lane signal right by hc it was a red light. I was in the far right lane that was empty while the 2 left lanes had 4-5 cars in each. I promptly launch from the light and after taking a good lead on traffic I start to look into my left mirror and blindspot to move over to the center lane to pull into hc. But wait what do I see…its the white srt8c1 I see almost everyday when I leave work and hes coming up hard. So what do i do? I stay in the right lane and down shift. As he comes flying up I roll into it. With the speed he already had he carried on by so that my front bumper was at his back bumper. This is where I stayed till I let off at 130ish…lol

If this guy was on the board, thumbs up to a quick heavy car.

nice, haven’t seen too many of those around. I’m assuming you are talking about a 300C SRT-8, or maybe a Charger. not sure what you meant by c1.


Regardless, or “irregardless” lol, 300C SRT8s and Charger SRT8s are fucking hot

Thats what I meant…

the exhaust is mean, the seats are comfy, wheels are nice, i enjoy them all around.