every one pray

You guys sound like all those “in the way” people I keep hearing about…

Hopefully you’ve all learned something, otherwise all of society is doomed, as we all now have to deal with you.

UPDATE…my sister saw him yesterday at the hospital…he has a fracture going down the side of his face…his jaw is really out place…they will need to operate on his face and jaw…his eye sockets are fractured but they dont think they will need to be operated on because nothing shifted…he is alert and aware…brain swelling has gone down…he doesnt remember the accident but knows who he is and everything…

no vid? :frowning:

we all did dumb shit and learn one way or another. it’s unfortunate that this was the way your learned. hope he pulls through.

Hey it is the dumb ass that fell off. John Best or Jb new to here so call me what you want if you guys want some pics tell me. No vid of what actually went down. I remember what actually happened prior to me falling. I went on top of this vehicle because idk wanted to but there was nobody in the driver seat when i got up there. Yes i was on the roof off a 2000 Ford Taurus Wagon. Then my friend got up there with me then i heard the ignition i started to shit my pants. Cops reported me doing about 20 when i fell we were in mid turn. We were screeching breaks because we were slowing breaks. I know because of tcs it slows the car down when in that situation. I remember going probably 50. I don’t remember anything after i fell. But i woke up like two days after i fell. or started to remember stuff two days after it hapenend. I came home today it really was a bad move and i understand that. I have 3 fractures in my face my eye sockets are fucked up and i have so many bruises and shit. I have pics of me getting into ecmc trauma center. My dad took them but just tell me if you guys wanna see them. Thanks for everything guys peace.

sounds like you made a full grammatical recovery.


glad you’re able to kinda think and type.

holy shit do i sense sentiment here>


HEY Its Amy’s brother…glad to see u have internet access WTF BBQ…quit the dumb shit…I have permission from your mom to slap u around :)…j/k Get better


noooooooods to if you want :gotme:



you got knocked the fuck out

whole lee crap


tat looks horrable


hurt like a bitch

glad ur at least ok, i bet you wont be doing that stupid shit anymore

well, i hope you stop saying “ur”

got damn

LMFAO. lol


the injuries look painful. if anything will teach noobs, maybe pain will…

ur right ill stop