every one pray

Yesterday [JohnnyB] got fucked up bad.

he was on the back of a car and fell off.

I grabbed his shirt but it ripped and he rolled

he has 2 badly broken eye sockets and possibly a fractured skull

The cops said I saved his life because he was going to fall head first thank god

just letting u all know and even if u don’t know him please pray for his safety

thanks all.


on the back of a car and fell off?, how?

more to story then this?
who is johnnyB?

Not sure who you or he is, but that sure is a shitty way to learn not to fuck around on a car.

17 year old kid i think

JohnnyB is new to NySpeed like me :smiley: but yeah he thought it would be cool to ride On the back and influenced me to do it so we did and he fell off going around a turn and I grabbed him. Im glad he did cuz he would be dead right now but it was stupid and childish. i’ll be the first to admit it

holy shit I know Johnny B my sister is friends with his Mom, and my mom went to the hospital so be with her last nite

and he has 4 skull fractures

he was on the back of a ford focus hatchback.


I was at the emergency room for like 6 hours with his mom then I went home

Be glad you grabbed him and kick yourself in the ass until you can’t sit for not stopping him (and yourself) from doing something stupid.

Hope he makes it out ok, prayers go out to him. Sucks people have to learn this way.

wtf. were you standing on the bumper?

wtf i knew it, nobody just falls off the back of a car and gets that fucked up by not doing something stupid.

How fast were you going to get that fucked up? I’m guessing not as fast as one might expect. Pavement is awfully fucking hard.

Is he conscious?

he was car surfing it must be the new things kids are doing…he is concious he was talking last nite

yes but he will make it dont worry just pray and hope that he will recover safely


I did try to stop him and he called me a bitch and I stupidly said fine and did it with him

yes I was talking with him yesterday

should of left him after that comment, he learned the hard way now tho.

So did the cops charge anyone in this stupidity contest?


This makes me think of those people you see trying to hold a mattress on top off their car with their hand.

People really need to learn about physics.
Unfortunately your friend learned the hard way.
I hope he heals up.

yes the driver got reckless driving and Me and John got attachment to a vehicle but I got mine and john’s lowered to a parking violation so were safe but the driver will lose his license till hes 21