F cops (long read but good)

im sure the cop has reasonable cause to keep you for 20 mintues… you didnt help urself out tellin us u smoked weed earlier in the day. i glad he was being thourough… you coulda been a suicide bomber, a rapist, a crack dealer, a pennstate fan…anything bad!


you do not know what harassment is till you own a gbody

i never said i was suprised i knew that was the reason. I just think PA law is dumb we aren’t allowed to have tint period. Which is lame. Oh well medical tint ftw :slight_smile:

i dotn think its dumb… go become a cop and go pull over a rimmed up escalade in homewood and tell me how dumb you think the law is then. the sole reason is for the protection of the officers. your lame if you even try to get a medical excuse for tint.

well i do actually have a medical excuse for window tint (light sensitive eyes). also I live in a “rich” area. I got pulled over and had my windows all rolled down and my info in my hand out the window. So he can think I deal drugs all day. Doesn’t mean I am.

what does being rich have to deal with being a drug dealer or not. when i was in high school it was the kids from fox chapel sellin drugs.


lame? some people actually do have problems with direct sunlight…i’m one of them i just never got around to getting tint…i just wear my stunna shades :smiley: but seriously cops pull you over for stupid shit…sure there is a point when tint is TOO dark…but that rim’d up escalade might be legally paid for…not everyone is a drug dealer these days…even in homewood

whoring through…

this thread is a 9.889/10.0 on the turd-o-meter


And our point is you lose. Theres no winning for you in life.

you, out of the pool.:mrT:

so harsh :eek3:

in the united states? :slap:

Sometimes it needs to be put plain and simple no sugar coating

its hasn;t happened…yet.

not anymore…all schools sell now :wink:

this thread is great! I am not sure what is funnier, stupid ass fico, the super troopers references or Cutty calling Fico a downers!