Find the 50 movies in this painting

Found this on another site. If you can get all 50 then I owe you a beeeeeeeerlooooooojob.

Super freaking hard.

12of 50 in 8 mins, so far. I got, pumpkin head, saw, hills have eyes, 12 monkeys, nightmare on elm street,seven,silence of the lambs,jaws, the fly, halloween, children of the corn,alien

that was creepy… i got 6.

friday the 13th seven and children of the corn are all in the same area.

and the birds. you missed the birds

just found the howling, friday the 13th

the invisible man, leprechaun, ALIEN,house of wax, beetlejuice, the ring

i’ve got pumpking head, seven, saw, the fly, beetlejuice, texas chainsaw massacre, silence of the lambs, the ring, children of the corn, the hills have eyes, alien, the invisible man.

THAT’S how you spell leprachaun. I was like wtf is going on here.

butterfly effect,Psycho, scream

ahh, 23of 50 gotta go t osleep

holy fuck thats addicting.

i’m up to 30 already tho.

make that 33…

i got -2 out of 50

41/50 aagggh so damn addicting.

now its 4:30 and i have to finish my pysics lab before tomorrow. ugh

It’s official, I’m not going to get ANYTHING done at work today. This is addicting.

i got 43 without cheating, i have all answers now though


hey, what was te grim reeper thing, and the stairs. and the green m&m with the dress.

and some of the stuff in the bottom middle. i can’t figure those out…

This is hard. I got 4 in 3 min. But then gave up.

Some are too easy, Like Blade