Fs: 1985 BMW 325e

interested any time i can come see it?

Yeah, but I think you have to bring Jam a bottle of gin as a peace offering to come onto the ritz.

Yeah, you cant just roll up to the ritz…

Unless you are going to kill him

holy clean car, GLWS

lol you should have read more…

it really doesnt look like that anymore. those are old pics

oops my bad

is it reliable? how are the tires?

damage pics please

beast will be home all night to show the car is anyone is interested pm me for his cell phone number…

not going to post pics of the damage.

500 is the absolute lowest he is willing to go, any less and he might as well just fix it and drive it through another winter.

why arent y going to post damage pics? some of us dont live 15 mins away. i could be interested if i knew what the hell it looked like.

how bad are the lines? do they have to be fixed before the car will run/stop?

car runs/stops just fine now you have to push the brake pedal down hard, man the fuck up. you can still get em to lock up if youre burly enough

if youre asking if you can drive it home, i would drive it to rochester and not think twice about it. it would be expensive, but it would make it

i’ll post pics if i can get a chance goddamnit


  1. someone come and get it.

God damn Jam. Let’s get this fucker and part it out…

if I end up keeping my e30 I’d consider buying the seat…but fuck, we’ll see what happens with that.

why? having problems??

and steve… ugh. i know man. tempting. but its a lot of wrench turning lol.

Very true, We have our own in need of work. We should do that soon…

Well, I know of someone interested but he needs a place to keep it lol. I’m workin on gettin him a place to keep her.

I thought this damn thing sold.
I would have this instead of the leg.
What is currently broken?
And where is it? The ritzzz?

I’m almost positive i saw it there the other day.