Getting to Task Manager.....

Ok my ctrl,alt,delete is not working. Is there another way to get to it?

right click on the task bar.

Start>Run> and type in: taskmgr.exe


dammit. too slow… but “taskmgr” will work too.

did that…but it tells me that there is another program using that file??

Anyone know what that means?

Did right clicking the task bar work?

This does not work either!! When I click on task manager nothing happens!!

PS Michael your sister is not to use the computer EVER AGAIN!

Have you tried rebooting?

We have tried everything…

Ok here is the story,
Michaels sister used the computer to go on the internet at our house. she used internet explorer instead of fire fox. so now we get 3456797644235 pop-ups and the computer runs REALLY SLOW. and I can’t get to the task manager to close down whatever she left open,downloaded, or whatever! And it really pisses me off!

okay, how about: why do you deperately need to get to tskmgr?

michael’s sister’s porn went horribly wrong?

No…I need to get to task manager to close down internet explorer. I am on fire fix right now, and I get pop ups from internet explorer, like it still open. And I have right clicked the icon, went to close, and nothing happens!

virus sweep.


she is soooo pissed

run hijackthis

start in safe mode and run msconfig. Disable any start up shit that you dont recognize.

tried that, and was told file could not be found?

In that case no one can help you…

I really hate it when people say that, and it really pisses me off. :slight_smile:

That said if it’s a virus, there might be a way around it, if it’s being blocked from opening. Try doing the following.

  1. Start -> Run
  2. Type "xcopy c:\WINDOWS\system32 askmgr.exe anything.exe
  3. When prompted hit “F” for file
  4. Start -> Run
  5. Type “banana”


Just start in safe mode

not being a smart ass, but banana?

You can put what ever you want, it was the first word that came to mind. No hidden meaning.