GTA RHD insurace.. wats happening here....

wow… think same thing as quebec RHD rule is coming down to gta…

cause my friend bought him self a r32 gts, he saftied and e tested already.

then he asked me for the insurance company so i gave him my old insurance company which i had my RHD s13 insured in last september. then i sold it in oct. so i wasnt dealing with them anymore… any how…

when he called up the same agent that i delt with and asked him to insure his r32 as of today they refueses to take him… WTF???

wats happening here man… are they tring to keep RHD off the road or some???

any hook ups on insurance guys???

i know you can always ride dirty but riding dirty is dangerous imo.

what ?

he means drive without insurance…

lol …

…, maybe they just don’t want to insure RHD cars at all?

Try another company I guess, … but I’m hoping what your saying about GTA being like Quebec is true cuz I might be going rhd in the spring…

if gta turn into like quebec (no RHD) then we are screwed.

unless you have some pimping f350 to haul your car to where ever you are going…

^You can still drive you rhd here in Quebec if it was registered before April 29, 2009. Furthermore if they do decide to ban rhd in Quebec im pretty sure the “grandfather” law would be implemented here as well in Ontario.

i know i just couldn’t believe people talk like that…

Nothing new here
Companies that insure RHD’s have always been far and few.

Just gotta keep calling.

na i was just shocked that someone who insured my s13 2 month ago wont insure my buddys r32.

if my buddy dont find anyone till end of this year im just gonna go buy a lhd for next year.

My insurance company wouldn’t insure mine the first time I called and I was already a preexisting customer. Some people just don’t want to deal with the headaches.



Anyway, try co-operators. They insured my GTR, but they had to do it on facility (high risk) insurance. My record wasn’t bad enough to put me on facility so the car had to be declared as modified which in this case is good… usually anything to do with modifications fucks you with insurance companies.

s13’s are also easier too, half the companies just call them modified 240’s if their RHD. Rather then dealing with the headache of applying as a 180 or sil.

If he’s stuck tell him to pm me i have a good broker who does my r32 from Cambridge though.

Bingo. Soarer, Celica, Supra, Silvia or 180’s all have their Canadian counterparts. Hell there was even a pulsar in Canada. When I was at All-state we always insured those cars as “modified” Whatever it was.

I’m pretty sure thats not the problem, I’m pretty sure its a safety concern.

I imagine your no longer in the insurance world ^?

But yeah you can still find good quotes on skylines if you look hard enough.

Mind you if you have a bad record you better enjoy paying out the ass a little more.

And i’m pretty sure it’s more on the side of part availability to insurance companies. Could be wrong.

Yes. Insurance companies are so worried about finding parts for your car worth 6000 dollars, such a huge cost to them replacing the bumper on your JDM car. Why would they even bother just writing off such an expensive and rare car?

I guess they are really not interested in multi-million dollar lawsuits due to JDM cars having a much poorer crash standard than North American cars when/if someone dies or is seriously injured in a crash, costing them millions/hundreds of thousands. I mean they do sit on the side of the car that gets hit on a left turn, and it is much harder to see on left turns so there is no real correlation there at all for safety.

Ya that makes no sense at all, pretty sure. They are most likely more worried about replacing the 500 dollar JDM tail lights and how hard it will be for them to find one.

Actually every company i called said liability isn’t an issue with the cars reputability. Being a 5 star crash rating is great, i imagine all JDM RHD have a much worse rating then LHD ones here…

I thought even basic liability covered automobile related death or injury regardless if its because it was RHD or LHD. My “RHD” insurance doesn’t have any field for whether its LHD or RHD in claims. And i’ve asked if it would matter for me, that’s why i have 19a policy that just covers the value of my car for my end and 2 million for theirs.

Yeah you make a good point to safety but shopping around for insurance i’ve never heard that as an excuse for not being covered. I guess you have been rejected and given a big spew about legal issues. Maybe i just haven’t encountered it luckily for some reason.

And you don’t have to be a smartass prick, I guess you get offended when i tell other people why certain companies “apparently didn’t cover me”.

Have you actually read the BC Insurance studies reports on RHD cars and read the results and the recommendations they make? IE the original study on RHD cars safety in Canada that started the movement towards phasing them out?

Or are you spewing information based on what an insurance broker in Cambridge told you?

They are kinda right that RHD cars have a higher crash percentage than LHD car but the way they calculate the numbers is stupid. Lets just say there are at least 10,000 lhd S13’s in Ontario and 100 RHD ones. If 10 of the RHD S13’s crash thats 10% but even if a 100 LHD s13’ crash thats 1%. So by their calculations RHD S13’s are 10 times more likely to crash than LHD ones.