Help Needed: Insuring RHD vehicle in GTA

Hi I need help with anybody with previous experience insuring a RHD imported vehicle in the GTA.

It is a 1989 MR2 MKII.

All the insurance companies i talked to told me NO after they heard it was RHD.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Did you try going through broker’s? Go through the classifieds in the paper and try the little guys. You’ll find one for sure. Sometimes it’s better to stay away from the big name companies.

Now insurance companies do of course have the right to refuse anyone but, was the only reason they said no was because the vehicle is RHD? If so that’s not a justifiable reason. RHD vehicle can legally be insured and registered so you should phone them back and ask for a better reason.

Good luck getting your new toy insured man. Let us know.

Easy 8)

funny, there’s a RHD MR2 parked on my street, it’s one of the boxy ones, so i’m guessings its in the mid-late-80’s. but yeah, it’s definitely possible 'cause the guy drives it and everything.

Go through a broker, and GO there… don’t call , physically go there.

I never have a problem.

any cheap reputable (oxymoron?) brokers u guys recommend from experience? i’ve been turned down by meloche monnex, state farm, nordic :frowning: … thanks for ur help!

W.B. White Insurance (Oshawa)
Good broker, I like them… my broker hates insurance companies as much as i do 8)

Hey dude, I had called my broker and had asked about a RHD vehicle. It took a couple days for her to hear from the company but she said they would do it as long as it passed a regular Canadian safety inspection. The company is Pilot Insurance. Good luck! :smiley:

Oddly enough my car is insured through STATE FARM, the insurance company most hated and feared by sport compact enthusiasts…

$56/mo :smiley:

I’ve never had any issues with them, I actually like them.
Maybe it’s just the broker in my town…

Well then again you live in Milton and not in Toronto. Rates are different in the boonies.