hey guys i need help on find somewhere to insure my silvia how ever im in one pretty shitty situation… my license is in Quebec but due to the ban i can not plate the car there, my mom lives in Ontario so i need to find a place that will put the car in her name and have me as a second driver. can some one please list off all the brokers and companies that insure RHD that way i can call till i get one that will work around the sitiation… Please help me get my silvia on the road… i live in Ottawa if that has any affect to anything.


This has been covered so many times!
FUCK! This shit drives me nuts!

I swear there’s a new fucking thread about “I need insurance for my RHD vehicle… What do I do?”, every fucking week…

Ask right drive. /thread

Nice first post. Looking for a warm welcome i see.

Good luck getting it insured but like the angry guy said, search the forums for rhd insurance and there are tons of threads discussing how to get insured and which companies are the cheapest to go with.

This made me smile. Followed by a warm fuzzy feeling inside…

^^ i got your back

I kan haz reech around?

get an ontario license if you live in ontario.

Sell it and get LHD. Your in ca-na-da. Problem solved.

LHD cars cost twice as much

do people really not understand this?

unfortionatly some ppl just need a good brick across the face the fucking retards in this thread are prime examples, fuck those haters. How about this? DONT FUCKING CLICK ON A THREAD THAT OBVIOUSLY MAKES U CRY "every fucking week… "

now tell me how does my post make u feel, Cunt ?

Find a broker that deals with either Statefarm, Economical or Desjardins.

I won’t give you mine because she’s a family friend and did it as a favour, however I’m with Economical currently and will be with Desjardins come spring time.

Actuallt. I felt great knowing that you were offended by my post.

If people took two second to search for the answers they wanted. maybe there wouldn’t be useless threads like this every week…
If you don’t like my post… Don’t respond?
Oh wait that would be hypocritical of your own post…

Come give me that brick across the face…

Desjardin in usually good, I had my skyline with wawanessa

lhd kouki > rhd kouki all dayyy :slight_smile:

I dont think desjardin insures RHD. I called in for soarer last summer and the rep said they dont insure them or have them in there data base.

I would skip statefarm- They quoted me 900 a MONTH for stock r33 and i had to get it inspected by statefarm rep to make sure its stock.

^ 900 a month?

did you tell em it was a Nissan skyline? not like a bugatti or something cause thats retarded. You could buy an s13 every two months practically.