Have you purchased sanitary items for your woman?

No Way! If i needed this shit once a month i would have a case in the basement. How the Fuck could you run out of these. Bitch go get it yourself!


One time I went to the drug store and only bought tampons and Advil.

The cashier chick said that it takes a man with confidence to do that.

Then we boned.

True story. Except for that last part.


What’s the big deal?

i agree…who cares…its not like its herpe cream and someone might think “DO YOU THINK ITS FOR HIM?” …HOWEVER, i would never do it still, idc if its tampons or potatochips…i dont want to get a girl anything.

100% agree with you. This is the only thing in the world that can gross me out instantly…

I dont mind it. Its just blowjob week when the girl is on it. As long as she doesn’t get bitchy im fine.

As for buying stuff… I don’t care. I know people who are still scared to buy condoms. I would be fine buying anything except Douche. That would be gross.

Been there done that.


and I am pretty nice guy


She gave me some money and told me to come back with “the blue box that has yellow and red circles on it.”

I came back with a case of Labatts.

She said “Where are my tampons!”

I replied “I don’t know but stop fucking bleeding on my kitchen floor”

jam, i just told dan about this and he was like no fucking way will i ever buy that shit for you.

i would never in a million years ask him to pick them up for me. i don’t even think my mom ever asked my dad to get them for her.

i guess if someone asked i’d go get the biggest ones i could find

personally i look forward to head week

Why is this that big of a deal?

i’ve had to go buy them before, took me like a half hour to find the ones she wrote down on the list. Who knew there were 10,000 different kinds

Bitch can make her own tampons…stop being so fucking lazy.

yea, not really seeing the big deal here. So what, unless you’re trying to pimp it on the side to the girl at the cash register and you don’t want her to know you have a real girlfriend.

would it be better if she ran out at the last minute and then bled through her pants while your out together somewhere or even worse on your car seats!

all it says is yes i have a girl friend/wife and yes i’m getting head tonight.

i did yesterday for the first time, it really wasnt that bad haha

but, i was buying bacon as well, so the manlyness of purchasing bacon negated the fact that i was also purchasing tampons

she even gave me a coupon hahah

Clearly. As long as you expressed to the cashier that you were making that triflin woman cook you the aformentioned bacon…