Bidet: Yea or Nay

These things aqre always a pleasant surprise when my hotel rooms have them.

Had one in spain, never tried it.

Meh a wet ass sucks

Nay. That’s a fucking sink for midgets.

why the hell would you want to have a drain stopper in your bidet?!

Personally, I don’t see why they aren’t more common. I hate feeling like I have to shower after a particularly heinous shit because using toilet paper feels like I’m spreading peanut butter around on a shag carpet.

You passed on the opportunity to rhyme heinous with anus…ballsy.

I would fancy a stream of water shooting up my asscrack…


GF uses them. They are great for those mudbutt days :tup:

It’s warm water and you use TP to dry off afterward.

lol… go 4 it.

I don’t think that’s a feeling I could handle lol

…and if it turns into an enema, you’re doing it wrong.

It’s just like washing your hands. You fucking dry off after… It’s like taking a shower.

Why is this so WEIRD

The irrational fear being expressed is exactly why I suspected this would be an amusing topic.

I’m gonna come out with it…

I don’t like the fact that it will feel like someone is peeing on me.

It’s not fear, it’s that tp works fucking fine except for rare occasions and the ass/groin area is probably the hardest part on your body to dry off. Why over complicate something when you don’t have too.

^lol, im with the nay crew

more functional / needed for women, but if I had one I’d use it.

If I knew how to use the damn thing i would certainly try it out…

and thats the kind of bidet I’ve seen… I really didn’t know how to approach it… do i slater it? do i sit normal? do I sit at all? !!>!>!

Do I let the water just barely get my asshole wet? do i get close enough where It would penetrate my asshole? do I sit around the fixture as much as possible and create a good seal? :frowning: