i done f#©ked up my tranny

awww is someone upset that i am proving you are just a greedy little dipshit who cant take responsibility for their own stupidity?

looking that where is was placed i would try to argue it since that the dumbest spot to put it

jeeves seriously, we cannot understand you with all that pubic hair in your mouth. douchebag. i’m gonna go rollerblade now i’ll come back to bicker later.

its ok you can just admit you have no valid reason to try to place blame on the gas station for your fuckup other then you are looking for someone else to pay for your mistake, so you are trying to make stupid comments.

by that statement, I have to assume that you’re on welfare as well.

hahahha. kidssssss:eyebrow:

haha no i’m not that poor. just tryin to save some cash if i can. i was hungover and irritable earlier. now i’m nice and baked and done arguing in this thread. :beer2:



if that really sticks up 3-3.5 inches (which it looks like it doesn’t) then i am partially on your side…

ill side with the OP. thats a fucked place to have one and it i know its high because i hit it with my maro once and decided it would be fun to skate while my gf was making a phone call.

From the pictures it doesn’t look too high, but it looks like you measured it. So in your defense you should easily get them to pay the deductible.

I always try to avoid those damn things even if the car isn’t lowered just because of the annoying clanking sound they make when you drive over them.

you get your dick stuck in the spark plug hole again?

Wow, if its really 3+ inches off the ground in that spot then I would def say the gas station need to step up and cover the deductible. The spot of that cap alone makes the case for me.

X2, I have never seen a worse spot to put one, they are usually off to the side somewhere not forcing you to drive over it. Although it does not look to be sticking 3"+ out of the ground, it is in a terrible location and you car is not excessively lowered.

I thought he said it was a Civic sitting 3" lower than stock. I must have misread.

1.5 inches is what I read, he said it was NOT like it was sitting 3 inches lower than stock.
