I'm done playin in Obamanomics

when i say setup correctly… i mean that its setup progressively

you bitch about money going to the military? you can see it as stuff that kills. but long ago people used to see it as the military protecting your ass. go bitch about the 9000 pet projects in pelosi’s new bill.

what if you had a BWM parked in your driveway instead of a fire hose and hydrant that you could have bought. if its so important than you might have to give you some of lifes luxuries. how many uninsured people have cell phones, internet, and cable television. and then complain they cannot afford healthcare…and then go on about how every one has the right to healthcare, and that it is extremely important yet they continue to pay for their other luxuries instead of their healthcare.

i find a 500 billion dollar contract for the next fighter jet outrageous… we have a higher budget then all of Europe combined, they seem to be pretty safe… refer to http://schema-root.org/military/budget/military_spending_us_vs_world.gif

I have the upmost respect for people who have served, but as far as the spending goes for the military as a whole, I feel that something is off.

Thats not even a good argument since ny state covers all children till the age of 18. Read up on current policies before making false statements

How about other states?

Read up on those and see. Most have similar policies when it comes to children

our GDP is almost the size of europes GDP. and we are in a war while they arent.

Most isn’t good enough… and i was speaking of morals not policy, if one of you came on here and said my child has cancer or something in that sense, and that they couldn’t afford to pay for it, I would give something… maybe thats just the way I was brought up

does that mean we need more nukes?

but instead a bully comes by and says give me your money my kid is sick.

want to be more like a european country? think they have low government costs? look at their tax rates. where the fuck is all the money going over there if its not going to the military…their sweet healthcare system. and people wonder why our corporations go overseas.

I think their money would be going to better the social welfare of the population as a whole, universal higher education, universal healthcare

Our corporations go overseas because people do the same amount of work at a much lower cost.

when do you stop educating and let them start working. i dont agree with our taxes going to pay for everyones entire college education. what happens after that? then everyone deserves a masters degree, and a PHD. 18 years old. high school degree. you want more education after that you are on your own. you have an education edequate enough to function in society. you cant hold them by their hands forever.

obviously its a lower cost, look at how much the corporations are being taxed here in america.

thats obviously just one factor, its obvious costs are cheaper when you pay a 7 year old 13 cents a day to put together a cd player.

It may be a lower monetary cost, but economically its KILLING our economy. My company (Albany International Corp.) just laid off a bunch of factory workers. Guess where the work is being picked up? Primaloft-China. :eek3

guess whos being taxed out his ass so much he cant hire anyone? the owner of your company. thats what taxing the rich does. the rich people supply the jobs. if they dont have money they cant give jobs.

Yea they source work over seas because they can not afford to stay in business if they dont

Yes. The CEO of my company wrote us all a 3 page letter explaining the layoffs and switch to cheaper labor. It’s rough times obviously, and we need to cut costs to stay afloat. All makes perfect sense. It’s either that, or the company goes Bankrupt. (Sound familiar? GM?) Look at GM, they didn’t do shit to cut costs until they cried to the government for more money and the government basically FORCED them to do so. It’s something they should have been doing since they started losing money in the first place. Of course the media does not tell you that.

Tax the rich, go ahead. The losses eventually TRICKLE DOWN to everyone else since the wealthy supply the middle class with jobs. Common sense, yet everyone seems to think this is the best idea in the world.



no they would just rather have a fatter bonus at the end of the year… if americans were working for 3 dollars an hour, jobs would still be getting outsourced