interesting p/m i got this morn

Why dont you just smoke pot?

I used to. I had that vaporizer, after a while it got to the point where it didn’t really do anything.

Either that, or I was in a permanent daze from how efficient that fucking thing was. :rofl

Make a batch of pot brownies. Eat one a day, and you’re all set

Ive done it once. Shit’s expensive.

Cokes fun if you get good stuff.

Want your vape back? I’m currently in possession of it.

for real.

I can nab you some prevacid from the pharmacy. Now that will fuck you up

I can tell you right now. they are similar… but NOT the same…

Pills are definately something I wont do. I dont even take aspirin for pain.

But you’ll do cocaine? :rofl

yeah, Ive done that once and smoked some weed but thats it.
I dont fuck around with pills. That shit scares me.

your logic scares me:crazy

I have a harmless, pretty looking pill you could take. It’s pink and shaped like a heart.

like I said, no pills.

lololol ,take one of my pain killers and a muscle relaxer i have …wow thats all im gonna say . last time i fell asleep under my car with only a h/f jack holdin it up . i woke up to myself pissin my pants

sounds like the perfect reason not to try them.

I used to take alot of Sudafed for allergies until I realized that it was just making me feel worse.

One time when on Sudafed I smoked some good weed and it was a weird type of spaced out high. I remember fucking with the piranha’s in a friend of a friend’s fish tank that day. Those fuckers were nuts.

its better than that other Failvis pic

Was that the same time you dipped oreos in sour cream? :rofl

no, I never did that but a few friends of mine did.

I dont eat anything with sour cream. I cant stand it.

Only on shift…