It was fun while it lasted...

Gonad are you hindu? I see you blessed the valve cover in the first pic.

Yea. The ritual basically went like this:

After buying the car we brought it home. Before it could be officially on the road dad drew the swastika and the Om then threw some rice at the motor :rofl:

Did a prayer and that was it.

Most of my family is religious like that, keeping Ganesh idols and whatnot on the dash. I avoid all that. :dunno:

Congrants man. Don’t get auto, you’ll miss 5 speed. Trust me I do already. Fawk!!!

Haha trust me I feel you.

I worked for mazda as a parts guy, service advisor and Salesman!! so i know them inside and out… DO NOT GET A MAZDASPEED 6!! it will spend more time at the dealer than your house

i cant believe that car is sold, the fuck you thinking?

on another note, you could have just kept it. its not as if you were putting more money into it.

Too late Junior.

You sold your 240…