Thanks for the Memories Guys, It's been great

So as some of you know and some of the others don’t, as of I’m moving to LA on Monday to work for my company’s LA office. its been over 3 years since i first joined and its sad to go but change happens. Safe to say my 240 is already sold and my next car will more than likely be a Genesis.

Just wanted to thank the guys who i’ve met on here and helped me through the last 3 years ive been on this board. All the way from when i had my RX-8 to my current coupe i’ve met a lot of interesting people who had different views, opinions and a lot of haters. Regardless of that, i thank each and every one of you for the memories i got out of this forum and hopefully we’ll meet again in the future (unless i never met you, in that case, ill meet you when i meet you).

Special thanks to Keez (first person i met on the board who helped me out with my first S13, possibly the person ive known the longest on SON), Solarian (hates on everything but he’s a nice enough guy), Fobwall, Spd-Dmn, Osad, Heatw, Cal-Soy and Enyaw. You guys are what made SON interesting and amusing for the most part for you.

I’ll still be on once in a while but its kind of unlikely that I’ll be seeing the lot of you anytime soon, so you all take care and i’ll see ya all around on FB/MSN/BBM. Feel free to look me up if you’re ever in LA.

Good Luck with everything down in LA, stay out of Compton haha.
It was nice meeting you dude.
Peace out Will

all the best will! i will shout at you when i reach out west!

if i was moving to LA the first car i would get is a 240… shipping for parts would be nothing and so many shops around… lots of culture down there.

anyways congrats! i would me to LA in a heartbeat

Will, have a blast in LA man. Hope everything goes well!

cough* cough …i deserve a mention…
. Will you’re great but what’s even greater is you’re going there… i will talk to you on BBM about this…

Peace man! Safe trip and enjoy the much better weather.

Peace out dude its been good!

peace & hair grease.

Good luck in LA man

good luck with everything!

i’m envious; finding aftermarket car parts in SoCal is easier than finding a whore in Amsterdam.

Shit I’ll be heading down there next year for school. Maybe I’ll see you there man. Best of luck!

All the best to you in LA… Snake rd was fun lol

Thanks for everything. It’s such a small world considering that we may have ended up working together at one point even before meeting through cars. Thanfully things worked out for the better and you’re moving up in the World. Best of luck.

send some pictures of all the mint rustfree 240’s you see down there, for motivation.