modded 240 owners. would you?..

all modded/turbo SR,CA,RB,KA 240sx owners… what do you say to a friend when he asks you if he can test drive your 240? would you allow him? or have you let any of them test it out? why or why not? just curious…

if you need to ask a question like this, this is a hint that you should not allow your frined to drive your car

i would only let my one friend with a 240 that has way more mods than me drive it. LOL
nobody else will ever drive it. mayb my gf once or twice, but i trust her…and i dont think shed try and rip it… LOL
other firends… not even allowed seating in the driver seat. LOL unless i have a cool like 10Gs in my hand before they start the engine… just in case…

Thread fail.

I have two friends that are allowed to test drive any car I ever own, even if at some point in time it’s an F40. No one else is ever allowed, not family, not girlfriend, etc.
Even though a certain SON member once drove my car around the parking lot without my permission while I was trying to score weed :smiley:

I see how it is

The are only two people I would trust to drive my 12 second 240 is either 1) My Girlfriend, or 2) Brendan, aka SimpleMind7.

Others have lost their privaledge by blowing it up, or I jsut dont trust them with a 300hp SR in a rear-end loose car.

I have let people drive my car… i have not problem with it because it is really only at most a $6000 lump of metal. However the people who i let drive my car have also let me drive theirs.

Is you buddy a good driver or does he think he is? What is his driving style like? Those are the deciding factors nothing to do with what sort of car.

Besides that just warn him if he fucks something up you fuck him up. Chances are you car is worth around $6g anyway so relax it isn’t a big deal. Yes I copied what you said

Depends which car… my RB 240 is a whore, basically anyone who asks gets to drive it.

The way I do it now is If I wanna drive their car then ya if not no.
but I have let buddys drive it but only if they put in the wrench time and earned it

Depends how modded if you put like +4 g’s into the motor I would say no unless their some superstar driver…

I have let my dad, and a good friend drive mine on more than one occasion. My gf has not and never will be aloud to drive my ‘modified’ cars. I have let her drive my 06 wrx though.

its you’re car, do what you want.

All my buddies have bad ass rides too so we switch it up when we cruise, works out perfectly. The deal is if the person crashes it, then we switch since they are all approximately worth the same amount.

We’re easy going, if a guys car is in the shop and hes got a date with a chick then he can pretty much choose which ride he wants to take her in.

if u trust em i see no problem, just tell em if they disrepect your ur also disrespecting the friendship, and they usually baby the car until u tell em to open her up!

share ur toys. with people you trust!

edit: also depends on ur level of tune, if it’s a stock they don’t be selfish.

depends on the person really.

for the most part, no. but thats because i dont know anyone who can drive stick. haha

Yes. It’s great really. These cars aren’t difficult to drive anyway until the rain comes pissing in. When I had the KA rain wasn’t much of a thought. I did drift. An intersection in front of “**” division coming in a bit hot in the morning to make the light and get to work. Got a few honks lol. But with that it’s just zero counter on my end, just eased up the throttle let the wheel come back around as the rear grabbed and on I went. Now an RB is a different story. I would let very few handle it in the rain. If it’s medium rainfall, a little boost at the wrong time will send your ass spinning. I don’t want to deal with that. Last thing I need is for someone to spin out into the opposite lane of traffic, get t-boned by a truck, and die.

Only myself and my mechanic have ever driven my car. Those are the two people I trust

yea i only let one other person drive my car…